Parents admit to using television as a babysitter

Sit them for a while in front of the TV to have a rest or to do the housework we do most of the parents. Those who do not, I congratulate them, but I admit that many times I use it myself as a resource to be able to do something quietly.

In a survey published on the site an overwhelming majorities, the 97% of parents acknowledge using television or a video to entertain children.

When asked how they used that free time while the children were in front of the TV, most of the answers were divided between cooking dinner and working at home (cleaning, accommodating ... well, you know it well).

I feel horrified at this situation. The parents are shocked but at the same time we allow it. We are tired of working all day, we return home and we have to cook, clean, take care of the children ... It's sad but TV ends up being our "respite".

The advice we have to follow is to integrate our children into everyday tasks such as cooking or accommodating the house. When she does, my girl loves to watch how I prepare the food, sometimes she even enjoys scrubbing the dishes (which I then scrub again, but it doesn't matter).

On the other hand, it is important to teach them to collaborate in housework, which is something that involves the whole family. You will see how they take it as a game and also help. Although it takes twice as long as if we did it alone, it is much more worth sharing an activity with our children who are stupidized on TV.

There are some parents of young children who consider removing the television from the house, as if it were a kind of cancer that must be removed. It is? What do you think? Do you usually use television so that children don't bother you?