Excess whole cow's milk can cause anemia

There is a belief that the milk It is the best food we can give the baby, but it is not so.

The low cost and easy preparation makes it a food aid for children, but it is a product with just a contribution of 0.45 mcg / ml of iron, which is insufficient for its optimal development, according to María Teresa Artís, gastroenterologist -advisor of the Rafael Tobías Guevara Children's Hospital of Pto. La Cruz, Caracas.

While milk is essential for the child, it is important that you supplement your diet in adequate amounts.

An excess can prevent iron absorption contained in some foods such as red meat, fish, chicken, egg, green vegetables, fruits rich in vitamin C and fortified cereals.

The specialist clarifies that a child who only consumes whole cow's milk is at risk of anemia due to lack of iron, a picture that causes paleness, swelling in the corner of the mouth and tongue, heart problems, among other conditions.

We have already talked about the need for the baby to maintain adequate levels of iron to prevent anemia and thus have a correct neurological development and a strengthened immune system.

And we also highlight the importance of a balanced diet and balanced doses of each food group. A food such as milk, although essential, in excess, can cause an unwanted effect.