"Eating healthy is fun, not childhood obesity": five tips for healthy nutrition

This is the motto of National Nutrition Day celebrated today, a date that should be made visible to encourage healthy eating in children and reduce childhood obesity, defined by WHO as "the pandemic of the 21st century".

Nothing is more successful than transmitting to the kids that eating healthy is fun. Through experimentation with food, discovering new textures, new flavors, combining them, mixing them, playing with them, children can find a whole world of fun that will also have a healthy nutrition.

The data is obesity are alarming. In a recent study on growth monitoring, diet and physical activity, child development and obesity (ALADINO) it has been observed that one in two children aged 6 to 9 is overweight.

Five tips for healthy nutrition in children

It is not difficult, it is only necessary to follow some essential guidelines on healthy eating, changing habits and especially setting the example. What parents do, children will do. As we eat, they will eat.

We leave you then five basic tips to implement:

  • Breakfast every day: it is the most important meal of the day. It must be made up of cereals, dairy and fruits. According to the study, only 3.8% of children make a full breakfast.

  • Consume three pieces of fruit a day and include fruits and vegetables at lunch and dinner.

  • Increase the consumption of whole grains, blue and white fish, milk, yogurt and low-fat cheese. Take legumes 2-3 times a week.

  • Decrease the consumption of fats, added sugars and pre-cooked foods and prefer homemade food.

  • Perform daily physical exercise.