A public registry of pedophiles will be created in Spain

It is news that we have been waiting for some time for those of us who have children, because it is inconceivable that certain people (by calling them in some way) with a history of child abuse can come back to them with impunity as if nothing had happened.

The draft reform of the Child Protection Law submitted to the Council of Ministers contemplates the creation of a pubic registry of pedophiles in Spain, something that already exists in some countries like the United Kingdom and the United States. At pedophiles, child traffickers and child exploiters condemned firmly will appear forever.

Activity centers, schools, schools or any body that employs workers who have regular contact with children, both in the public and private sectors, will be obliged to make sure that your employees have not been convicted for crimes against minors.

It is not yet known how it will be implemented or which professionals will be asked, but at present a background certificate is not requested when hiring people who usually work with children.

Another reform that is contemplated is that public authorities, officials and professionals who know of any crime against a minor in the exercise of their functions they will be obliged to inform the prosecutor, or else they will be committing a crime of omission. Enough to look the other way.

Of course, the measure creates controversy. There are those who believe that the creation of a public registry of pedophiles in necessary and priority, while others believe that in this way a person is condemned forever for a crime he committed, without giving him the opportunity to prove that he has changed, if it were the case.

I believe that it is intolerable that a convicted person may, for example, be working in a nursery or in a school as if nothing. Just thinking about recent cases like the one at Valdeluz school, my hair gets on end. For pedophiles, child traffickers and child operators zero tolerance. In the case of truly rehabilitated criminals, something very difficult to prove, I imagine that justice should contemplate the necessary surveillance measures to guarantee one hundred percent the protection of children.

I think that the centers to which we trust our children should be held responsible for the people they employ, and parents feel confident that we leave our children in good hands.

Now we hope that the reform is implemented quickly and efficiently so that there are no threads in such a serious matter. We would like to know your opinion, What do you think about the creation of a public registry of pedophiles in Spain?

Video: Sex Offender at 19. Branded for Life. timesXtwo (July 2024).