The case of the cat that cleans the baby of the family

We know that such special links are created between companion animals and children that are difficult to understand for those who do not live on a daily basis, a different bond than they form with adults. Many of us know cases of dogs that take the protection of the baby very seriously, considering them the weakest part of the pack and therefore something that is in their charge. It is also admirable the patience of these animals before the crushed babies.

But the link that this cat has created with the baby is already incredible, because we are facing a cat that cleans the baby of the family.

Gathering pets and children is mostly a great idea. It is a good way to teach to the little ones to take care and be responsible of something that requires special treatment. It is also a simple way to get them involved in housework by having them take care of feeding and drinking, brushing and taking them out for a walk (if only through the garden).

At the moment it seems that the baby prefers the conventional bath and we will see if when the baby is four or five years old and returns from the garden with mud to the ears he does the same. Do your animals get to do something similar?
