Mango lassi. Recipe for pregnant women

He Mango lassi is a milkshake originally from the IndiaIt is made with yogurt and is very refreshing. It is clear that we can modify it, and add the fruits that we like the most, such as kiwi, peach, banana, apple, but always ripe.

This simple preparation We will be surprised by the enormous amount of advantages it brings to our body. We have to add to all the advantages of dairy, which brings the mango, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, and helps us greatly regulate the intestinal transit.

The ingredients for 4 people

1 handle, 250 ml. of skimmed yogurt, 250 ml. of milk, 3 tablespoons of honey, cinnamon powder.

Mango Lassi Preparation

The mango is peeled, chopped and put in the glass of the crusher, along with the rest of the ingredients and a tablespoon of cinnamon.


We can serve as dessert or snack, in a glass tube, in a glass or as we see fit for the occasion, but you should always remember to sprinkle a little cinnamon on top.

It is taken immediately after its preparation, so that the fruit does not lose any of its properties and always very cold. We can leave the ingredients in the fridge until the last moment.

We can give lassi the thickness we like best, for that we can play with the amounts of yogurt and milk.

Video: Fruit and Nut Milkshake Pregnancy Protein Rich Recipe by Tarla Dalal (July 2024).