Strengthen the abs during pregnancy

To be able to face the delivery and get a good recovery later, nothing better than some physical exercises that strengthen your abs. Depending on whether you are pregnant or have already given birth, the way you do your abs is different.

When you are pregnant, you usually have abdominals with your legs to avoid direct abdominal contraction. The steps are as follows: on a mat, you should lie on your back, always with your back well seated and flex one leg over your chest and the other well stretched.

Change the position of the legs, the one that was flexed, the stretch and the stretch the flex. During this abdominal process, when you perform the leg movement, you must release the air and catch it when you are at rest. To work the abdominals even further, you simply have to add to the leg movement, the movement of the neck, that is, try to stick the chin to the chest while maintaining it in this way during the abdominals. Do this exercise in two sets of ten times. Another exercise that is also suitable is to lie on your back and flex your legs at a 90º angle to your body, as if you were squatting but lying down while keeping your feet in the air. You can also accompany this exercise by placing a ball between your knees and bringing your heels to the floor without touching it and thus two sets of ten abs.

Always remember to catch the air in the initial position of the abs and always release it when lowering the legs towards the floor. Getting fit is advisable and these exercises help your abdominal muscles cope much better with childbirth and recovery.

Video: 14 MInute First Trimester Core Workout----Safe Ab Exercises for Pregnancy (May 2024).