The child's brain forms a thousand new connections per second in the first three years of life

During the first years of a baby's life, its neurons form new connections at an amazing speed, between 700 to 1,000 per second, a rhythm that will never be repeated. These connections form the basis of a child's future, so it is vital to take care of their food, stimulation and care.

It is considered that The first 1,000 days of a child's life have a determining effect on their future development, so UNICEF is not tired of alerting the important role that parents play in their lives, both during the pregnancy stage and later in their upbringing.

The importance of the first 1,000 days

UNICEF has been reporting for some time on how important it is to take care of the first stage of a child's childhood, what is known as his first 1,000 days of life and that covers both pregnancy and its first three years.

At this time, the child's brain begins to develop at high speed, acquiring the social and emotional language and skills that he will need for his adult stage, so his future well-being will depend on his correct development. Not in vain, 40% of adult mental abilities are formed in the first three years of life.

A child, whose brain does not develop properly, will not only be detrimental to him but will also have an impact on the rest of society in the future.

The nutrition, the Health, the protection and the watch out At this stage, they constitute the essential nutrients that the brain needs to develop properly. Timely stimulation, adequate games and an enriching environment are also essential in this early stage of childhood.

But if there is something that experts do not tire of stressing is the importance of the link between the baby and his parents (or his reference adults). The way children are raised or cared for in the early years, can influence your brain functioning for the rest of your life, and even impact future generations.

That is why UNICEF wanted to alert through its "Early Childhood Account" campaign that adults they are not always aware of the importance of this attachment bond with children, or have sufficient tools to achieve adequate stimulation, care and protection.

How to nourish babies' brains

In the words of UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake:

"The brain is the most important thing children have, but we are not taking care of it in the same way that we take care of their bodies, especially in early childhood, when science shows that children's brains and their future are rapidly shaping We have to do more to give parents and caregivers of young children the support they need. "

Photo via UNICEF

Therefore, and based on this premise, How can parents take care of our children's brains?Or, in other words, what is in our hands to do to favor the correct development of their neural connections?

  • The importance of physical contact: touching our children, hugging and raising them with love and respect, will generate oxytocin that It will help you grow calm, relaxed, confident and feeling loved.

This will cause a greater desire to explore their world, learn, enjoy and relate better to their environment, in addition to providing them with tools that allow them to face different situations and challenges in life, something that will have a positive impact on their adult stage.

  • Talk to them and smile at them since, according to research, this type of interaction with attachment figures at an early age they nourish the baby and stimulate their emotional development, so important for the society in which we live.

  • Spend as much time as possible with them. During the first years of life, children first relationships with his closest family circle, being the most intense emotionally and physically speaking relationship that is created with his parents and, above all, with his mother.

This attachment bond causes the child a series of feelings that make them grow up knowing that they are important to someone and, therefore, favoring their safety and self-esteem.

  • Don't let them cry: The brain and stress are not good companions. When the child perceives a threat (of whatever type) it will generate cortisol, a hormone that will remain at high levels if the threat persists, that is, if the environment or the type of parenting is not adequate.

Growing up in an environment of stress and threats will cause children fearful, distrustful and scary, that they have less self-confidence and that they will drag that state of alertness throughout their adult stage.

Therefore, experts influence the importance of attending to the baby's crying or the states of anguish or stress that the young child may manifest. Calming, comforting and helping you understand your emotions from accompaniment and trust are keys to your correct emotional development.

  • The importance of the game. Playing is not only a child's right, but through free play they will learn to know and interact with the world around them, they will improve their psychomotor skills and language and, in short, it will have a positive impact on their cognitive, social and educational development.

  • A correct feeding. Everyone knows that "we are what we eat" therefore, it is essential for the child to grow strong, healthy and can develop properly, its diet is adequate.

WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of the baby's life, and even recognizes it as a right that both children and mothers should have.

Only 15 countries in the world care for the child's early childhood

With the report "Early childhood counts", UNICEF wants to alert the situation they live around 85 million children under 5 years worldwide, whose countries do not offer their families either free preschool education, or breastfeeding permits for their mothers, or fair and paid parental leave that may have a positive impact on their first years of life.

The report highlights that Cuba, France, Portugal, Russia and Sweden are among the countries that guarantee greater measures for families to take care of their children, while 40% of the 85 million children affected are in Bangladesh and the United States.

For this reason, UNICEF intends that companies and governments of different countries become fully involved in this first stage of children's childhood, supporting their families so that they can provide them with love, care, education and nutrition.

Dear leaders: If you had a thousand days to improve the what would you do? They can do it if #LaPrimeraInfanciaImporta #AGNU

- UNICEF in Spanish (@UNICEFenEspanol) September 22, 2017
  • Via UNICEF: Early childhood counts

  • In Babies and More The chemistry of emotions (or why you have to raise with love and respect), The importance of eye contact with your baby: talk and smile, Dopamine in the brain helps mothers establish a better emotional bond with your babies