Applications to meet other moms, are they really necessary?

With the three years that I have been a mother I have checked something: motherhood is easier when it is shared. Having a tribe or group of moms that supports you and that you can trust can completely change the perception we have about being moms.

But what happens when you don't know anyone else who is a mother? Recently I shared some tips for finding other moms when you are the only one with children or are new to the city.

Today I want to talk about another tool that is recently gaining popularity: the applications to find and meet other moms. Are they really necessary? I share my opinion.

Making friends is not easy

They say that the older we are, the harder it is to find a real friend. I think this is very true, because unlike when we were children, adult life is full of responsibilities, commitments, interests, tastes and many things that make creating friendships somewhat complicated.

How easy it was when we went to school and quickly became friends with another child, simply because we wanted to play and still saw the world with innocent eyes. Things are not so easy when you are an adult, but they get even more complicated when we are moms.

Now it's not just about us anymore, we regularly take our children everywhere and finding a mother with whom we can make or plan an afternoon of games in a park, playroom or even in our own house becomes somewhat complex.

It is true that there are many places where we can meet other mothers, such as the park, the squares, the school or even the supermarket, however sometimes hundreds of factors influence for a friendship with another mother to really work. The schedules, the routine of our children, the ages and the styles of parenting among other things, are things that we take into consideration when finding and meeting another mother.

How are friendships between moms born today?

Although it is common for new friends to be born in childbirth preparation class groups, our children's schools and public places such as plazas and parks, many moms today have turned to search for groups online. These are usually places where they find mothers who share their same interests and with whom they form a bond despite not being in the same city or even on the same continent.

Probably derived from this and the increasing use of technology, in recent years a new tool has appeared whose purpose is to help us find those moms friends we need so much: applications.

I recently read an article in ABC News where I talked about Peanut, an application that has come to compare with the famous Tinder pos your similar operation and that helps to find moms in your city who share the same interests as you. And that made me think, Is an application really necessary to meet other mothers?

The truth is that if these types of applications have been created, it is because really there is a need that should be covered. Perhaps some mothers are too shy to approach directly to other moms who look in the park or simply want to meet someone outside their circle.

Of course, this is not a one-of-a-kind application, I remember that when I became a mother three years ago I read an article about several applications with the same function. I confess that I was tempted to download one but exhaustion triumphed over the few free moments I had and in the end I was only curious. But if they exist, it will be for something.

Undoubtedly, this is not the first nor will it be the last application created for this purpose, because being sociable beings by nature, We will always seek to have someone with whom we can share what happens to us.

What do you think of the applications to find new friends moms?

Photos | iStock
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