The video of the exact moment when a mother falls in love with her premature baby forever

Getting pregnant, waiting for your baby for many months, the day you have to be born, and suddenly having to run to the emergency room because the delivery happens early and The baby is born when you weren't expecting him yet. A moment of nerves, anxiety and happiness, to meet him at last, but in which everything becomes bitter, for not being able to be with him.

It is what happens many times when a baby is born prematurely, that his condition is so fragile that he cannot be with his mother in a few hours, as in the case of this mother and her baby, that they were separated for 60 endless hours. A cell phone captured the moment they were together again and that was the exact moment a mother falls in love with her baby forever.

He was born 10 weeks before

Hugo came to the world 10 weeks earlier than expected, as explained in DailyMail, in an emergency cesarean delivery. After that time, the baby had to enter the neonatal intensive care unit to receive the necessary care to ensure its survival.

His mother, Jessica, had no choice but to deal with the strange feeling of early emptiness. Empty for not being pregnant, when she should be, and empty for not being with her baby, when she had already given birth.

And he waited, and waited, for 60 long hours, until the doctors considered it a good time for mother and son to begin to know and love each other.

The moment a mother falls in love with her baby forever

"The Exact Moment She Fell Completely In Love With Him

"This is a video of the first time Jessica held her 10 week premature baby, Hugo. After being delivered by c-section he was quickly whisked away to the NICU to be evaluated. Jessica was only briefly able to see him as she needed to recover as well. It wasn't until almost 60 hours later that Jessica was finally able to hold her baby boy for the first time.I took this video hoping to catch a moment, never did I anticipate seeing the exact moment that she fell completely in love with him. The bond between Mother and Son immediately solidified. I hope that this video can show people that Love is the most important thing in anyone's life. Without it we will simply exist, when the goal is to live. " <3 A Love What Matters Original Video # LoveWhatMatters

Posted by Love What Matters on Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The video was shared on the Love What Matters Facebook channel, it takes more than 7 million views and although it lasts only 30 seconds it seems difficult not to get excited with the scene.

A scene that reminds me of what I have already explained on more than one occasion: at a conference by the neonatologist Adolfo Gómez Papí (one of those responsible for the Mother Kangaroo Method arriving in Spain) to which I went a few years ago, he explained that They had a very curious case of a 16-year-old girl who gave birth to a premature baby.

The baby had to go to the incubator and she had not had much support from her family. She didn't feel too responsible for her baby and, apparently, didn't put much interest in seeing him. Then they accompanied her to the newborn unit, removed her baby from the incubator and placed it on her chest, skin to skin, to kangaroo mother mode. Imagine what happened at the time they were together to say something that nobody expected: "I will never separate from my baby."

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