This summer, what has been the star fruit for the kids? the question of the week

That the little ones eat fruit can become a real daily battle, in which we squeeze our brain to the fullest to find the fruit or the way to present it that the kids like best and so it is easier for them to eat it.

With summer it seems that drinking fruit at some time of day becomes easier. It may be the heat, the pool or the exercise, but it seems that it is easier for you to drink some piece of fresh fruit. So this time we ask you:

What has been the star fruit for the kids?

Last week we asked you: > At what time and how often do you bathe your baby? to see what you told us about it.

lita_lyan said the following:

My child bathes every day, because he loves it, it is also a little while with his father, whom he sees less because he arrives later from work. The schedule ... because between 7 and 8, if it is done later, it depends on the day, if you have sweat a lot, etc. But if a day or two does not bathe, it is not a problem for anyone. The most lively thing ... the truth is that yes, it comes out super happy, he goes to bed running to play with the toys that he takes out of the bathtub, runs around the bed so we don't put the diaper on him ... come on, let him pass pipe. Then it does not take long to relax when we turn off the light, it plugs into the tit and it is usually quite quiet.

And iskandervv also commented:

My son, when he was a baby (how time goes by, hehehe ...) he didn't like the bathroom too much, so I started bathing him every day and then one day yes and another no. And as for the time, always in the afternoon, with the hope that he would sleep better, but not at night, because to my son that bathing routine, dinner and sleep like no ... In fact I came to ask the pediatrician to see if something happened to bathe him after the shot, because between that he was not excited about the bath and that he gave tremendous hunger attacks because the truth is that it was a stressful moment. So when I spent the first weeks I decided to do it in the middle of the afternoon, when I was calm, and before his father arrived, that the mess of the bathtub in the kitchen (because in our bathroom it was impossible and it was not a matter of crouching on the floor) he did not like it very much, and he did not dare to catch him for fear that it would slip out… So the thing before bedtime in our case we could not do, especially in view of my son from At about nine o'clock he made provisioning, that is to say, he suckled every three quarters of an hour at most, half asleep yes, until at twelve o'clock he linked about three or four hours of sleep in a row.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: Fruit of the Spirit Song for Kids (July 2024).