The measles vaccine: everything you need to know

We continue with the series of entries that we started a few months ago to talk about vaccines, one by one, and today is the turn of one that is part of one of the most controversial vaccines: measles vaccine, which is part of the viral triple, along with that of rubella and mumps.

The measles vaccine It is currently administered at the age of 12 months. A few years ago he used to get at 15 months, but since measles increased again as a result of decreases in vaccine coverage and several outbreaks appeared, he went ahead at 12 months to protect babies before (and exceptionally, in case outbreak, it is administered before even).

It is a vaccine that requires a second dose of recall, which according to the AEP should be administered by 2-3 years, but that in many centers is left even up to 4 years (in my city it is administered at this age, although from September we will start doing it at 3 years old).

What is measles?

It is a disease caused by a virus, very contagious and that can be serious, which produces high fever and a rash throughout the body, cough and conjunctivitis. There may also appear some points with the reddish edge that help confirm the diagnosis, since they are only seen in this disease, and they are called Koplik spots. In case of complication, it can lead to otitis, pneumonia or encephalitis.

The contagion is produced by contact with droplets that come from the nose or mouth of a person with the disease. Just a sneeze, or cough, so that these particles are spread in the air and someone else can inhale and spread.

People who have had the disease or have been vaccinated have immunity, although as with all vaccines the effectiveness is not 100% and that is why it is important that the number of people vaccinated is very high. Until a few years ago this was so and in many countries measles cases had disappeared. However, in recent years, as many children are not vaccinated at the decision of the parents, the disease is returning in the form of outbreaks.

If there are no complications, it is a disease with a good prognosis. The problem is that sometimes there are, and that is when it can be, as we have said, serious. Roald Dahl, the well-known writer, wrote a letter some time ago recommending childhood vaccines, after losing his daughter because of measles.

Where is it administered?

When administered after 12 months, when babies are already standing or even walking, it is advisable not to administer it on the leg, so that they do not complain when walking and do not limp. At that age he puts himself in the arm, subcutaneously, usually in the triceps area. If the person who is going to receive it does not have coagulation problems (children do not usually), it can also be administered intramuscularly, in the shoulder, in the deltoid muscle.

Measles Vaccine Side Effects

The measles vaccine, when accompanied by other vaccines, can cause side effects derived from measles, but also from the vaccines that accompany it. The dose of rubella can cause joint pain and swelling. Measles and mumps can cause fever and mild rash. It is one of the vaccines that produces more fever, being a vaccine of live viruses dimmed

Can you put on if you are allergic to eggs?

The triple viral is a vaccine that can contain, in its composition, traces of egg protein (used to create it). This makes many people with allergic children doubt whether or not they can get vaccinated from it, or even the father of children who have not tried the egg, they think twice.

The reality is that the amount is so small, so low, that is not considered important. All children can be given the vaccine except those who have suffered a severe anaphylactic reaction when eating eggs.

When is it contraindicated?

The triple viral vaccine is not given if a child or person has already had a severe allergic reaction with any previous dose or with any of the components that carry the vaccine.

Should avoid administration during pregnancy (for being a live attenuated vaccine) and in case the child has the defenses diminished by some disease, he should consult with the doctor if its administration is convenient.

I heard it could be related to autism

Since in 1998 a fake scientific article The triple viral vaccine was considered a possible cause of autism in children. The aforementioned article was removed from the journal and numerous studies have shown that this relationship does not exist. However, the myth ran so much and the stir was such that even today many people still believe that it is true.

Photos | Tom & Katrien, Carlos Reusser Monsalvez on Flickr
More information | Medline Plus, VaccinesAEP
In Babies and more | 180,000 children die each year from neonatal tetanus, "Vaccines are very effective in preventing disease." Interview with Carlos González (I) and (II), Ten things we should know about vaccines

Video: What you need to know about measles vaccination (July 2024).