My son gets dizzy in the car, what can I do?

These days there are many families traveling by car with children to their holiday destination. The loaded car, the child insured in its restraint system, begins the journey and soon the symptoms begin: paleness, cold sweats, headache, nausea. The boy has got dizzy in the car, what can I do?.

Due to the immaturity of their nervous system, the little ones are more susceptible than adults to suffer motion sickness or kinetic dizziness, an alteration that occurs in the system that regulates our perception of balance.

Dizziness occurs when there is a “lack of coordination”Between the sensation of movement that comes from sight, the sensation of acceleration that comes from the ear and the sensation of position of our body that comes from bones and muscles. It usually occurs during car trips, but it can also happen in any means of locomotion such as ship, plane, etc ...

How to prevent dizziness of the child in the car

Although sometimes it is inevitable, we can take some measures to prevent the child from getting dizzy in the car, such as:

  • Prevent the child from fixing his eyes on an object such as a DVD screen, a console or a book, for example. It is recommended that you look at the landscape through the window or look at the horizon through the windshield so that the sensation of movement that your body is experiencing "matches" with what your eyes see.

  • Search distractions or games that keep you entertained. Games like the see-see, tell stories or sing songs will help the child to be entertained distracting him from possible dizziness.

  • Avoid copious meals before the trip. It is very likely that after dizziness vomiting occurs and if you have eaten a lot the feeling of discomfort worsens. If you are hungry, give dry foods rich in carbohydrates. Avoid soda and milk.

  • Procure make stops on the road every two or three hours.

  • Avoid sudden movements of acceleration and deceleration when driving, as well as roads too winding.

What to do if the child has become dizzy in the car?

If you notice that the child is ill, try to stop by car in an allowed place, or if it is not possible, open the windows and ventilate the car well.

If you can get out of the car and take a little ride, better for your body to move. But try not to fix your eyes and look towards the horizon through the windshield with your head slightly raised.

One of the advice of my grandmother, which my mother used to do when I was little, is to place a damp cloth on the back of the neck or on the forehead, and that made me feel better.

When all of the above fails

There are children who get dizzy and vomit very often in the car, they really have a bad time, it is not something occasional.

Always under the supervision of the pediatrician and at the dose indicated can be administered antihistamine medications that block the nerve transmissions that produce the symptoms of dizziness. There are in the form of syrups for young children (there are some very practical pods) and in the form of chewing gum for older children.

In any case, if all of the above fails and there is no way to prevent dizziness, it is always advisable to carry a plastic or paper bag and change clothes by hand in case the child vomits inside the car.

I hope that with these tips you have a car trip with calm children without dizziness.

Video: Severe Dizziness, How to Manage your Vertigo (July 2024).