Are we ready for a holiday with children?

You have been counting the minutes that you have left for the starting gun towards that small redoubt of spiritual peace, laborily speaking because what is peace, what is said peace, with children is a concept of those that only some Illuminati can understand. But as bad as it may seem a priori, keep in mind that it will never be as bad as day to day.

Whether we go to the beach, the mountain, the town or we stay in the neighborhood, we can say that Spanish "Rita is going to work today" that, of course, relaxes a lot. Of course, if we go with the idea of ​​spending the day vegetating between sun and shadow, it is possible, only possible that those little beings that we love so much have another idea in mind and no, by small beings I do not mean the command of the TV and the of the air conditioning. Are we ready for a holiday with children?

If you go on vacation now with the hope of recharging batteries, you should keep in mind that your children have been without school for a month and are more than recharged or if they are one of those who have suffered school until the end of July, I will tell you that on the second day, in Best of all, it will be with new batteries and willing to empty them in whatever. So enjoy the first day of vacation because it will surely be the quietest of all.

The fun time to pack and then put them in the car and talk at the time, so I will not repeat.

Butterfly effect

A small change in the schedule can cause storms at home at the end of the day. I really think that not modifying routines to children is an exaggerated tad, at least for most children. With a month-old baby, the routine will mark her, whether you are in Madrid, on the beach or in a lost town in Madascar, if you are hungry you will want to eat and if you are sleepy you will want to sleep and we all know what concerns the conditions outside the babies when you have a basic need pending.

I would not advise to force new routines overnight, mainly from my own experience and because few know that it works to put them to bed later so that they also get up later or that they take a nap after eating, if they eat later ... Well, most children will continue to wake up at seven in the morning no matter how much they have gone to bed or fall asleep on the plate, because what marks is the time at which they sleep and not at which eat.

My advice to sleep a little more on vacation?

Make turns. Simple, one day takes care of one of the children and the next day the other. Please, without abusing, if you touch a bed, it is appreciated that you wake up before two in the afternoon.

Enjoy that little known pleasure that you are unplanned naps. That the children have fallen asleep at six? Well do the same.

It basically consists of get carried away on vacation, but without going over we have minors in our care. That one day the kids have eaten a bag of chips and they don't want anything else to eat, except another bag of potatoes, let's relax, why fight because one day they don't eat their five servings of fruits and vegetables, their liter and a half of water and its ration of Omega 3? Take it easy and let's keep it in mind so that it doesn't happen again. We can spend the holidays based on sausages, soft drinks and any type of tapas from the beach bar and children too, the problem is that we know that sooner or later it has to end and nothing happens, but for them, what If you have a bag of potatoes and juice at snack time, it may be a little worse and even some of the withdrawal symptoms.

We must, however, explain the routine changes well and, above all, explain that they occur as a special moment and that this will not be the case every day.

We must take into account and be prepared for the reactions that may arise with the changes, many times children do not fit them very well, especially if they are not changes thinking about them. Taking a walk in the mountains all together is sure to be great, but giving it as if we were marching through the mountain is not usually a dish of pleasure for the little ones. In 100 meters of road through the forest, your son will probably find us 120 reasons to stand and stare for a while, bugs, stones, branches, birds, etc. It is important that we try to see everything from their perspective, to remember those moments when we were the ones who went out for a walk with our parents and realize that perhaps the routes have to be made a little different.

TV, consoles, tablets and mobiles

Elements that have had throughout the year at your disposal, unlike us. The holidays are a perfect time to leave these gadgets parked to enjoy all together some wonderful days.

But parking does not mean banishing and from time to time it is good that we can enjoy some time for ourselves, that is, we can let them watch TV while we take a nod or to keep them in the shade while doing the digestion. But they can also help us to disconnect reading on our tablet or talking a little with friends.

In my childhood that the most we reached was on television, I remember that we spent some evenings embedded in our readings, each with what he liked most. They were calm summer afternoons.

As a last tip I will only tell you not to forget that you are on vacation, enjoy.

Video: Are You Ready for a Puppy? (July 2024).