What do we do with our children and sugar consumption?

The current WHO recommendation regarding sugar consumption indicates that they must represent less than 10% of the total daily caloric intake. Currently, a draft guidelines have been developed that formulate the same recommendation, introducing an update: if the total daily caloric intake is reduced to less than 5%, additional benefits will be obtained.

This project was recently submitted to a public consultation that has not yet published results (to my knowledge). Clarify that five percent is equivalent to approximately 6 tablespoons of sugar coffee per day for an adult with a normal Body Mass Index.

I understand that the recommendation for children is lower, although it has not been specified. And you should know that this interest is motivated by the analysis of published scientific studies about the consumption of sugars, and of the relationship between that consumption and the increase in problems of overweight and dental caries.

It is not so easy how it seems to control the intake of sugar in the diet, since it is not about counting the tablespoons that children put in milk. Ketchup, soda, cold cuts, enriched yogurts, baby food, breakfast cereals, and a long etc. make up the list of products to which sugar has been added during processing. Let's dive a little more into this very interesting topic.

Sugar: 'ubiquitous' in supermarkets, shop windows and kitchens

It is not a new food, but had it been consumed so excessively before? . I deduce that no, since it is only for a few decades that we are talking about the risks in relation to dental problems, overweight, diabetes, and even cardiovascular diseases and hyperactivity (I discuss this in detail below).

After all, one more carbohydrate

Carbohydrates are a very important source of energy for the body. They are divided into simple (fructose, glucose, lactose and fresh fruits); and complexes - or starches - (whole grains and their derivatives, legumes, tubers).

All carbohydrates break down into simple sugars that reach cells through the blood

I tell you this because although refined sugar contains a carbohydrate (glucose), apples too. So, where is the problem? Many nutritionists and pediatricians are warning about excesses in the consumption of refined sugars, because they are one of the causes of high rates of obesity or overweight, and tooth decay.

Candies, soft drinks, sweets ... with easy to consume, practical sometimes we are even led to believe they are harmless. The problem is that from the point of view of nutrition they contribute little.

Carbohydrates that give health

Not all simple sugars are so inadvisable, we think of dairy products (they also carry some controversy), white rice or fruits. These also provide vitamins or fiber, which are important nutrients.

In other words, the recommendation would be to reduce the consumption of refined simple carbohydrates; and keep fruit and dairy (moderately). But also strengthen complex carbohydrates because here we have whole grains that still provide more fiber, and it is just what the intestine needs, and it helps the sugars that break down to be absorbed more slowly.

Take this opportunity to remember that whole grains also provide nutrients not present in the refined ones, such as vitamin B or magnesium (helps to absorb calcium better, did you know?)

Main problems associated with excess refined sugars

There is no discussion about what are factors related to overweight and tooth decay; which are diseases with high incidence rates.

But have you not heard of the relationship with ADHD? What is true about it? From what I have read, although research on the subject continues, there seems to be no evidence, or rather: more research would be needed.

I leave it here because of the complexity of the factors associated with ADHD

And by the way, we have said that carbohydrates provide energy, but the simple refined ones contribute nothing from the point of view of nutrition. And this is a clue for those who think that refined sugars cannot be compared with fruits, or with cereals, in obtaining energy, and that they may originate just the opposite.

What do we do with our children and sugar?

Products that explicitly carry sugar are very popular among children, we all like the sweet taste. Here we have a false association that is actually a dichotomy: carbohydrates are necessary, refined sugars are not. The sensible thing would be to avoid their habitual consumption without separating completely from the children (or doing so?).

I say this because there are some myths around that we should not pay too much attention to (for example: 'eat chocolates before exams, because that way you will have more energy'). Another thing is advertising, or the strong presence of refined sugars 'everywhere', but this also has an easy solution: 'find out about nutrition to make your own decisions'.

Advice from a mother who fights battles 'against' excessive consumption of refined sugars

I refer to the book “I am doing a ball” by Julio Basulto: the first principle would be 'not to offer not to deny' ... yes: out of reach of children. Or what is the same 'in search of the necessary balance in the nutrition of today's children completely saturated with advertising stimuli'.

Secondly: do not add excess sugar. A glass of milk does not need four tablespoons of cocoa, strawberries have plenty of sprinkled sugar, muffins are well without sugar 'glacé' above. Keep thinking.

Limit as much as you can sweet treats, soda, packaged juices, chocolates, industrial pastries. And put to limit, if you make a cake reduce the amount of sugar that puts in the recipe a little, you will see how it is still good.

For dessert? better fruit than ice cream, even than yogurt (by the way a sugary yogurt carries more sugar than if you add it to a natural one yourself)

Frequently use complex carbohydrates such as whole grains or legumes.

And do not forget: those responsible for children following a balanced diet are parents. If you give them a choice they may ask you for pasta every day, they may put more sugar than milk in the glass, they may prefer soda rather than drinking water, but you want them to grow up healthy?

If you pay attention to advertising and food companies ... not everything is good advice, don't you think?

Images | woodleywonderworks, eyeliam, andy carter In Peques and More | Good practices in the feeding of children of school age, The consumption of drinks that do not contain sugars during childhood reduces weight gain and fat

Video: How much sugar is too much for my child? (July 2024).