Matching! My First Brain Training for kids to work in a fun way basic cognitive skills and abilities

Since I studied Kalimba, a Girona company dedicated to the creation of digital educational content and in association with Perception Technologies, have successfully published on iTunes their second educational application for iPad. Is about Matching! My First Brain Training that in the few weeks that it has been in the market it has had 3,800 downloads, 2,600 of which in the United States.

The price of the application is 1.79 euros and has a size 35.4 MB. It is available in Spanish, Catalan, French and English. Matching! My First Brain Training is an educational game for Children from 2 to 6 years old learn basic vocabulary in several languages ​​and play a variety of basic cognitive skills and abilities..

The application offers users an interactive access to the name of the letters, numbers and colors in their mother tongue and in several foreign languages. The letters and words have been spoken by native speakers of each language.

The complementary game allows you to consolidate in a fun way the learning of simple words because it provides complementary vocabulary and requires the implementation of observation, abstraction and association capabilities.

Is an application 100% safe, without advertising or integrated sales, with a simple and intuitive operation. The kids can play with complete autonomy and security.

We congratulate the developers because they are doing a great job in making applications for the kids. The first image that illustrates the article is one of the features that most we liked it at home. And it is that children have to make a great effort to interpret the number, recognize the color and associate the initial of the name with the correct image of the three offered. Indeed the game is suitable for kids in the process of learning reading, writing and very basic knowledge of mathematics.

Video: Games for Cognitive Development During Early Childhood : Preschool Education & Beyond (July 2024).