Easter holidays without leaving home, and now what do we do?

As every year by these dates come those deserved vacation days along with the headaches to square, as always, our holidays with those of our children. There will be those who go to the town, mountain, beach and those who will stay at home. But what we are going to have in common is a lot of time to spend with our little ones.

If it were for me, I would spend the week sleeping, but my "great ideas to enjoy on vacation" do not think they will coincide with the concept of having a good time with the little ones in the house. We must bear in mind that in these dates if there is something that is not reliable that is the time and that can play a trick on us, so that we have to pass the Easter holidays without leaving home, and now what do we do?

To make popcorn

Many times our children do not know where things come from. For example, juices, chips or popcorn are usually products that we consume in their final form already processed and rarely have the opportunity to see what we could call "original product". See where bag potatoes, orange juice or popcorn come from, for some examples.

Thus, we can buy corn grain one day and make our own popcorn at home. It is very simple and truly surprising for the little ones of the house, apart from being much healthier than the ones we buy made since it is you who control the level of salt and butter.

Try to put a few grains in the pan, like a dozen or so, heat "uncovered"and let the kids catch the popcorn on the fly. Of course, better do it right after you have scrubbed the kitchen floor.

Home theater session

How about a little relaxation? Surely we could use them all, especially us. We lowered the blinds, we looked for a cartoon movie, even a series of YouTube videos could be worth it. We can prepare some popcorn (see previous step) or maybe some sweets and some soda (one day is one day) and enjoy your own session.

But with a little imagination we can go further and create our own movie theater. We can have a candy stand where popcorn, chocolates and soft drinks are sold, and an usher who picks up our tickets and accompanies us to our seat.

And how to get tickets and sweets? Well, we can create a game or small tasks (without forgetting that the end is to have fun and have fun), for example: a treasure hunt, help with some domestic task or taking advantage of the good weather, we can prepare some mini-Olympics. All these games will have as a prize for its realization, regardless of whether it has been won or if it has been the best amount of coins, tokens, doubloons or what we want to use as an exchange system. If you have more than one child, remember to adapt each game to different ages so that nobody gets bored. A good idea to encourage cooperation between siblings is that to get the entrance pack + popcorn + juice of each one they have to collect the "rewards" of both.

It can also be interesting to reverse the roles, so that they are the ones who say what you have to do to get your movie tickets. They can also serve as ushers and kiosk managers.

Also another entertaining activity would be to create our own movie poster, which we can place right at the entrance of the room or where we are going to do the screening. We can also make a composition about the movie using the dolls, clothes and things at home. Let your imagination and yours fly.

Let's see who stains the other more

Basically the game is to make others as dirty as we can. I know what you are thinking, And who cleans later?

I recognize it, it can be a real riot if we don't think well about how to set the stage for the game. Something that can reduce collateral damage would be to use an old sheet on which we will place ourselves, sitting better than standing to avoid running all stained and putting the lost house. We can use paintings of these so-called "finger", water with flour in the form of thick porridge, flour alone, cocoa powder, etc. And so as not to have to put an extra washing machine, we will play with the minimum necessary clothes.

Well, as I see that you are still looking at me badly and I don't want to end up spending Holy Week in a braking, we can paint each other but in a "civilized" way, that is, using each other's body as a canvas. If you want an idea, look for images of Australian aborigines.