Green broquil with leek and cashews. Recipe for pregnant women

Today we are going to prepare a great vegetable-based recipe, which we are going to cook and sauté. We are going to use a variety of cauliflower, the green broquil that we will cook with leek and cashew nuts. In the company of nuts, we will obtain a very light and complete food.

This vegetable results very nice and intense color. You can also find it in purple, and both have many nutritional properties, which are very healthy for the period of pregnancy.

Ingredients for 2 people

  • 20 broquil trees, 1 leek, olive oil, salt, cashews

How to make green broquil with leek and cashew nuts

You can substitute this recipe for common white cauliflower or if you prefer broccoli or by bimi, since they all belong to the same family of cruciferous, cabbages, which are very healthy and nutritious.

We begin by separating the small trees from the green broquil as when preparing cauliflower. We can steam them, putting them over a strainer placed over a saucepan with boiling water or cook them in the traditional way.

After 5 minutes, we cool them to cut the cooking by soaking them in cold water, and we reserve them. In a large skillet, we poach the very chopped leek with a little olive oil until it is very soft.

We incorporate the pieces of green broquil, sauté the whole until they take temperature and finally add the cashews, nuts or nuts of our choice. We try and rectify salt and serve immediately.

Processing time | 20 minutes Difficulty | Very easy


This Green Broquil with Leek and Cashew Recipe It has all the advantages for the future mother - and for all other family members - since it is a very light recipe, it is very good and it is full of ingredients with good nutritional properties. Try it as a single dish for dinner or use it as a side dish for a grilled chicken breast if it is for lunch at noon.