The stress suffered by high school students can cause ailments: help your children prevent it

We have found in NPR the results of an American Psychological Association survey that explores the Effects of stress caused by studies in adolescents. The pressure they suffer causes irritability, fatigue, or headaches.

40 percent of the parents who have been asked (boys and girls had also been included in the sample) state that your children suffer stress related to school or the Institute. It is a problem that can go unnoticed, at least while children react well to pressure without hardly any external symptoms, and it is not associated precisely with mediocre students, because many bright students accuse this stress that as an extreme consequence can generate panic crisis . Stress is conditional on the burden of homework or work that adolescents must perform, and also on exams, in which memory capacity is valued above all. It may be that the key is to follow study methods that help them organize themselves, among which are some more classic ones such as ELSER, and others related to optimization platforms for scheduled tasks, here we have reviewed Exam Time through an interview.

Good planning would help not to leave everything to the last minute, and also that they had time to spend time with their friends, or devote themselves to their favorite leisure activities. But do you consider that the workload is still excessive for ages ranging from 12 to 18 years?

The opinion of the protagonists places 45 percent to students affected by pressure; To cope with it, they can count on the help of their parents who must help prioritize and find balance, focusing the objectives to make it easier to achieve them.

Mary Alvord is a clinical psychologist and Public Education Coordinator of the American Psychological Association. In your opinion a little stress is good because it is motivating, but in excess it becomes counterproductive. It seems that chronic stress comes to cause ailments such as insomnia, muscle aches and weakness of the immune system, so that parents have plenty of reasons to provide support to their children in order to avoid these consequences.

It is definitely not to lower the demand, but to help distinguish the most important goals from the secondary, and to dialogue when it is very difficult to achieve the objective, because perhaps we should change it, or rethink the strategies. Of course it is also recommended not to overload with extracurricular activities.