The time has come. Dad, before doing anything a little advice

The expected moment has arrived, the baby is on its way and it seems that now there is no going back. You will be a bunch of nerves right now and I hope these tips can help you a little.

The burdens are left at home

"If you can't keep your composure, you better not get in the way." Nothing happens but you can with the nerves, if just at the moment when the starting gun sounds you walk around the house like a headless chicken, sit and breathe, try to calm down and if you see that you can not, stay on one side and go calling to a taxi (and quiet, that if you can do it).

If you smoke, do it before entering the hospital and charge yourself with nicotine because it's probably going to be a few hours before you see the street, which subtly means, you better not separate from it in the next few hours. And if she smokes better or mentions tobacco. Believe me, the mixture of contraction pain, tiredness of the last meters, nerves and lack of nicotine is a lethal cocktail.

Avoid phrases of the type: "It seems that it doesn't hurt so much," "I'm sure they send us home," "I'm sure if I get dizzy," "I need coffee," "I hope I'll come back now." If you do not want to be glared and beaten with the dropper's hanger, keep your mouth shut.

Adrenaline is milk! At the time of delivery, your partner's body begins to secrete all the natural narcotic drugs that it knows how to produce. Surely many sound to you, are those that end in "ina" and go within a phrase that you do not understand even half. Among them is adrenaline, which will make her have a tad more strength than usual, a little alone, but enough to leave your hand without blood supply for half an hour, do not worry and keep shaking hands, watering He will return and for gangrene to begin the tissues have to be without oxygen for hours. Of course, try to be the hand, or the arm that grabs, do you understand me? You would not be the first to end up doing a Steve Martin cameo.

That you enter the hospital does not imply that everything is over. Let's say you just passed one phase of the game and now another begins. When we arrive at the hospital, we all more or less think, or at least we fervently wish it, that everything ends soon and the first pass of the movie of your life begins through your head. Something like this: - Nurse, my wife is in labor. Half a dozen doctors come running to pick up your wife from your arms while they leave her on a stretcher. - But it's almost out! Quick to the delivery room! Come with us, nurse X has not arrived, he will have to help us. A while (short) later we have the baby in the mother's arms while the hospital's chief surgeon congratulates us for the work done.

What actually happens

Once you arrive in the waiting room, it will be your turn to tell whoever the obvious reason for the visit is on duty. It is possible that immediately after and after the rigor checks, such as verifying that the process has begun and you do not come from the other side of the city by vice, they pass you inside to monitor the baby while you are looking for a room, which can last between 15 minutes and some hours. When everything is ready and after having received more visits than a politician in the pre-election elections you will go to the parliament so that an eternity later (not that much has happened, is that at this point the seconds last for months) you can enjoy your Newly released son.

It is not a time to reflect if you like the baby's name, or if you would have preferred girl, really, it's too late for that. You can make a pool about how it will be as time goes by, that may distract you, but nothing of fundamental debates right now.

And last but not least. Trust, you will do very well.

Video: The Day Has Come. .Getting Advice from Teen Sister (July 2024).