Highlights in Babies and more: from November 4 to 10

Today Monday, as every week, we stretch a summary with the highlights of the week, in these strange days when it seems that summer wants to eternalize.

Speaking a little about pregnancy, we have told you what Doppler Ultrasound is and in what cases it is necessary and we have told you that the medical terminology when talking about the weeks of gestation will change, since being born in week 37 is not the same as being born in 42.

Also related to pregnancy, we have talked about Sara Carbonero and other pregnant women who do not accept physical changes well and that taking paracetamol in pregnancy can affect the neuronal development of the baby.

Speaking of children, we have talked about crawling as a possible evolutionary novelty and with humor, of some things for which you are not prepared to be a father.

Focusing a little on the health of the little ones, we have explained that it may be important to pay attention to the baby's eyes to predict autism and we have told you all about the fontanel of babies.

Finally, to shed some light on the well-known video of the girl who is excited to see her mother sing, we have answered the question: Can a baby cry with emotion? Also in Between moms They have offered us suggestions to keep the best memory of pregnancy, at the Lulu Bear Advice Club they have explained what to take us for an excursion and in Happing they have explained to us why if you put a baby photo on a social profile you end up triumphing.

We hope that this week the contents of Babies and more find them interesting, enjoyable and practical. We will work to make it happen.

Video: BEST MOMENTS OF NOVEMBER!! eMBeaR Highlights #10 BF1, CSGO, Hello Neighbor & More! (July 2024).