Week 38 of pregnancy: it already looks like it will be born with

We continue with our pregnancy monitoring week by week to stop at the Week 38 of pregnancy. There is very little left to see your baby's face, and even if it was born this week it would be considered a full-term baby, every day that passes inside your belly is necessary for its development, until it decides to be born.

As for you, you may feel uncomfortable due to the pressure exerted by the baby on the pelvis, and it may be difficult to rest at night, but you have the comfort that there is very little left for the time of delivery.

Changes in the baby in week 38 of pregnancy

Your baby measures approximately 50 centimeters and weighs about 3,200 kilos. His little hands can already grab, in fact he already does it with the umbilical cord that has been his toy inside the uterus.

His head is covered with hair and he looks like he will be born with. Some babies are born with a lot of hair while others are born almost bare, but it is something that can then be reversed. The hair with which it is born usually falls over the first months of life.

The baby's hair color, as well as the eye color, is not yet definitive. Around six months the final hair begins to grow, although the density and color may still vary.

The baby swallows amniotic fluid and his intestines have begun to produce meconium, the first stool that is normally removed by the baby after birth.

Your body is covered by an abundant yellowish substance called vernix caseosa that will make it easier for you to slip through the birth canal at birth.

Changes in the mother in week 38 of pregnancy

It is very likely that the process of cervical dilation, even without having regular contractions. It is what is known as a phase of early or latent dilation.

In most cases, at 38 weeks the baby is already fitted in a cephalic position, although if it is breech, it is still likely to be turned at the last minute.

As the baby descends to position himself, as he approaches the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments, the stabbing pains and cramps in the English and legs They can increase. To calm them, you can relax your muscles by massaging the area and practice moderate exercise.

The discomfort worsens in recent weeks. It is likely that this week your breasts begin to secrete colostrum, the first food your baby will take before you start producing milk. It is a sign that your body is preparing to receive your baby.

Next week: week 39 of pregnancy

Video: What to Expect During Your 38th Week of Pregnancy - John Cote, MD (July 2024).