Are you already preparing the Halloweeen party? No ?, then this may be your first idea to decorate

Catherine is a young mom who lives with her family in Germany, and besides being a mother He really likes doing beautiful things like crafts or cupcakes, and then photographing them. I always say that I admire those moms who believe having their children around, and then take a few minutes to share their work, especially since what we do in our kitchen does not usually last more than 30 minutes considering that middle children will enter neighborhood, and crafts ... so many accumulate that I would not have time to photograph.

Oh, I'm going to specify that I'm going through the branches: the point is that Catherine just inspired me with a decoration for Halloween From your blog, what do I do for the party that I have to organize (like it or not, my children ask me to) at home. The idea is so easy and it turns out that I can't resist, so next week we will start to Prepare these spider webs so ... appropriate for the occasion?

We need (for each spider web):

  • A white cardboard plate, a little colored wool, paints and gomets to decorate, perforator, scissors and a black plastic spider; a compass will be good for us too.

We do it so:

Using the compass we draw an inner circle to some (depending on the size of the plate) three or four fingers of the edge, then we cut leaving a big hole. Later we can practice small holes leaving about two centimeters between each of them, these are the ones that will help us to weave our fabric using wool. The remaining piece of dish can be decorated with the children they want, the more elements we provide, the more options they will have to develop the imagination. Markers, waxes, adhesives, modeling clay, etc.

Finally we will bring our guest surprise and we will hang it on the wool (We can tie the legs with sewing thread, and this in turn to the web of the web). Optionally we will thread another piece of wool in one of the holes and fold it in the form of an oval (tying the ends) so that it is easier for us to hang it in the chosen places.

It reminds me of our cobweb from last year ... you can both live in our homes, right?