"Let yourself go!": Celebrating the International Week of the Foster in Arms

When I was waiting for my first child, I did not know to what extent his arrival would remove my life, and renew my ideas about parenting, I was sure that I would breastfeed and I got it - although we both had it very difficult -, so much that I got it weaned he only at three years old; I did not know that I would not want to separate myself from him, that I would not ignore his cries, and that I would take him in my arms as much as we both wanted, say what the others said, but I did it once I was born.

It was my grandmother's fault, although it was my mother who told me what I knew about how she had raised her two children (my mother and my uncle): a lot of tit, arms, and change of working life to be able to be closer to them. My grandmother has not met my children, and they would have gotten along great, but she managed to reach me thanks to her daughter's words when I became a mother, I am convinced that without the idea that I could if I wanted I had not been able to establish breastfeeding (with the girl it was much easier).

Why do I tell you all this ?, Because even today I am still surprised that today's fathers and mothers are unable to follow our instincts, and that vital acts as basic and beneficial as Breastfeeding and portage (carry in arms), they need celebrations so that we remember them. The good thing is that there are still many people who tell us that the most natural is the best, and that they organize to provide mutual support. It is the case of the International Arms Parenting Week which is being celebrated these days, promoted by Babywearing, and aims to disseminate the universal and ancestral practice of porting that adapts (perfectly by the way) to the rhythm of our century.

It has not been invented now to carry the children in their arms, but for a few decades he was discredited ("If you take it, it will get used to it badly," "it will hurt your back," "they have to get used to not paying attention to it," ... and other niceties like that). Even seven years ago I had to hear comments from each other most unfortunate when I was carrying the girl in scarf tied to my body, so I didn't pay attention, now they seem to me the most ridiculous arguments.

Although decades ago they did not need special dates that reminded us of things as obvious to the species as the kindness of carrying babies and children in their arms or the benefits inherent in breastfeeding, after almost a century in which the dominant tonic has been other Mercantilized customs, we must rediscover the mammalian needs to have the opportunity to recover it voluntarily, without inertia, with joy and with all the support of scientific and neurological research

The message I could give is: do you have a baby ?, take it in your arms or carry it tied to you as much as you can; Do you have a bigger child who asks you to go in his arms and the forces are with you? Forget if someone is going to see you and if they will say something, because it doesn't matter, because others are not in your life.

Well, as I was saying, since yesterday we are partying, and I can tell you that in Valencia and Seville they will celebrate it in a very special way (from the rest of the cities you will have to look for information): next Thursday, October 10 they will celebrate the International Week of Crianza en Brazos, and they will do it by practicing back knots and raffling off a batch of Kangaroo Network products among the attendees. You can find more information in Red Kangaroo Valencia.

In Seville there will be a kangaroo climb to the Giralda with departure at 17 hours from the Plaza del Triunfo (on the 11th), a kangaroo photo shoot will also be held; a route with baby carrier through Cazalla de la Sierra on the 12th and the Encounter in the Parque del Alamillo on the 13th, will complete the Breeding Week in Brazos de Sevilla, do you want to know more?

"Porting is not just a way to carry our babies, it is attachment, closeness, direct interaction, a cluster of wonderful and indescribable sensations. That is why this year's motto extols the spirit of porting, not only to take our babies very close but to let ourselves be carried away by the wonderful experience that it entails. "

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