An Iraqi woman is pregnant with 13 babies

Nature can sometimes give us unlikely surprises that perhaps are due more to what we have played with it than to what it is really capable of doing, such as the case of a 40-year-old Iraqi woman who is pregnant with 13 babies, although unfortunately not everyone will live.

The news has been confirmed by Mikdam Al Jabouri, the country's Takreet Hospital specialist, who has visited the woman and has stated that the tests confirm the pregnancy of 13 babies, adding that he is one of the strangest in history.

I say that not everyone will live because, although the woman is in good health, four of the fetuses are dead, since their hearts are not beating. In view of this, the doctor has commented that more fetuses could die during pregnancy.

The future mother She is already the mother of seven children and among them already has twins. For the past five years she had been trying to have more children with her husband, without succeeding, and he, who wanted to have more children, decided to try to increase the family by marrying another woman last year (polygamy is allowed there).

Well, if you know the same way you do not, because now the situation has taken a 180 degree turn, and although you are very happy about the new pregnancy, you are worried about the future of the process and the care and attention that Your wife may require. Apparently he has commented that he wants everything to end well because that will become the only father in the world that has such a large number of twin brothers.

Nadya Suleman holds the current record

The maximum number of children this woman can have is nine, since as we have said four of the fetuses have no life. If everything went on like this, it would beat the current Guiness record of the well-known Nadya Suleman, which in 2009 gave birth to octillizos through an in vitro fertilization treatment.

The curious thing is that the pregnancy of this Iraqi woman, if not proved otherwise, seems a natural pregnancy. Hopefully everything goes well for parents and their babies, and we will find out, I suppose, if the record is finally broken or not.

Video: Mother Delivers Quadruplets at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns (July 2024).