Interactive tutorial on amniocentesis

Amniocentesis is a prenatal test common in which a small sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus is removed for analysis, in order to rule out congenital anomalies.

It is a test that worries many mothers, since it is done by pricking the pregnant woman's abdomen with a needle, and, although it is monitored by ultrasound control that the technique is being performed well, it entails certain risks.

This video presentation about amniocentesis seemed very clear to me and interesting, since it explains what the method consists of, how the procedure is performed, the risks involved, alternative methods ...

This is an interactive tutorial that we found in the medical library of MedlinePlus, with very good materials on general health. The material has been created by the Patient Education Institute, and offers graphics and an easy to understand vocabulary is used, along with the speech.

The presentation on amniocentesis is subdivided into the following sections: pregnancy, indications, alternatives, procedure, after the examination, risks, results and conclusion. We can jump to the section we want, although I recommend your complete viewing.

As noted in the same presentation:

If you are thinking of having an amniocentesis, this program will help you decide, based on the benefits and risks of this procedure. You will learn when and why your doctor can recommend an amniocentesis.

So that future moms who are in this situation or anyone who has an interest in the subject, the video of amniocentesis They can be interesting and useful. The text that accompanies the presentation can be seen in pdf. for reading

Video: Labster Virtual Lab: Cytogenetics Simulation (July 2024).