New business: pregnant women sell their positive pregnancy tests

It seems that everything that has to do with pregnancy can end up generating business. If a few months ago we told you that in China the silicone bellies were all the rage to pretend a pregnancy in the USA. the number of pregnant women selling their positive pregnancy tests by Internet.

Once you have used it it has no use, you know that it is positive and that you are pregnant. There are those who keep it as a souvenir, and there are those who, as we did, throw it away and that's it. Well, now, in addition, there are those who have thought that there could be business in it and, apparently, there is, because in the same way that there are women who offer it, there are women who request them.

The price that can be paid is around 25 dollars, which is equivalent to about 20 euros, and they are sold on the Craiglist ad portal. They are usually offered as an element to spend a joke, but there are also those who simply say "no questions", such as saying that the seller does not care what the purpose for which it will be used.

And that is the controversial fact, that many women will use it for not too ethical purposes. One of the women who wants to buy one, which offers 20 dollars, explains that she wants it to make a video about youth pregnancy. Another, which offers up to 40 dollars, clearly explains that he wants it to take revenge on his ex-boyfriend. He explains, after five years of relationship, they were trying to have a baby and one day he came home saying that he had made a co-worker pregnant.

Some portal users have already started complaining because they see that the profit margin is high. A pregnancy test can cost between 10 and 20 dollars, which would be of little benefit, but online you can find cheaper versions for just over a dollar, so they fear that some mothers will spend the day getting a pregnancy test and then put them for sale. Then, of course, women will have to appear willing to buy them, which may already be, because there are people for everything.

Video: Dollar Tree VS Brand Name Pregnancy Tests Review (May 2024).