Multiple together or separately at school: conference in Barcelona.

A few months ago, as you will remember, we interviewed Meritxell Palou, a multi-mother who is collecting signatures on so that the education system leaves decide parents about the separation or union of their twin or twin children in class.

Today we tell you that he is organizing a conference on this issue in Barcelona (and soon in Madrid too).

Thanks to his activities and collection of signatures and after meeting several times with the school and that he decided to separate his twins, he has created a community “Multiple together at school, decision of the parents” and has proposed to report on this topic.

If you are a teacher, school principal, child psychologist, pediatrician, father or mother of multiple or non-multiple and wonder at what time separate or join the multiples in the classroom, you want to know how to respect their emotional bond, you are afraid of having them together in class for fear of comparing or confusing them, you feel that parents should be heard or maybe school, you will be interested in this conference that will take place in Barcelona next day 3 of September.

With the title "Multiple together or separated in class? Parent or school decision?" The conference will be given by Coks Feenstra, an expert psychologist in multiple for 30 years and Meritxell Palou. It will take place on September 3 at 6 pm in Escoles Velles, Barcelona Road No. 1 of Sant Andreu de la Barca (Barcelona), admission is free and you can sign up here.

Video: Arctic Futures 2050 Conference: Day 3 (July 2024).