Story "The Fairy VacunHada", to lose the fear of vaccines

We can help little babies to understand what is happening (although we can make them suffer less from vaccines), but we can read to children the story "The Fairy VacunHada" so they lose the fear of vaccines:

It is a book for children to understand how these substances work so well that you know they are called vaccines and that you have received since childhood and not with pleasure because you suffer a little when you receive the puncture (s)

The edition of Tale "The Fairy VacunHada" by author Antonio de Benito (illustrations by Oneida Pascual) is an initiative of the Spanish Foundation of Vacunology and the Spanish Association of Vacunology that aims to provide, through parents, teachers and health professionals, tools that dedramatize vaccination.

The story tells a story in which the protagonists are little ones called Felixbook and Emailia, who “chat” with Abdel El Comino, a child who lives in Chad and does not have access to vaccines, with the risk of contracting many diseases.

It is a story for the elderly, and in the end it includes an exercise booklet with word searches, comprehension questions ... It is included in the framework of a school awareness campaign in different Autonomous Communities of Spain, and is also distributed in Health centers.

Fairy VacunHada intends to teach children that vaccinations are necessary And they can even be fun. You can download the story in pdf. from the website.

Video: The Poor Cobbler and Magician Story in English. Bedtime Stories. English Fairy Tales (July 2024).