Normal vaginal delivery

Giving birth to a baby is one of the most incredible things a woman goes through and, at the same time, one of the events that creates the most uncertainty. Imagine how far this fear can go to what will happen, that there are women who, knowing they are pregnant, mix joy with concern over fear of childbirth.

With the intention that pregnant women can reach the time of delivery with a little more confidence, or at least knowing the process, we will explain what generally happens when a baby is given birth in a normal vaginal delivery.

When it happens

He vaginal delivery It happens sometime between week 37 and 42, which is the time when a delivery is considered term. As you can see it is a very long term, of no less than 5 weeks, in which some babies decide to leave before and others later. It all depends on the maturation of each baby, because not everyone carries the same pace of development.

Pregnant women are usually informed of the probable date of delivery, to have a reference as to when it is possible for the baby to be born. However, as I said on occasion, (you know I'm from a funny guy who throws back… I speak ironically, of course), we should talk about an unlikely date of delivery, because a baby is born when it has to be born within the deadline Five weeks commented, and sometimes even born before or after.

What makes a woman go into labor

Well, the truth is that it is not yet known for sure what it is What makes a woman who is pregnant with a baby quietly go into labor, her uterus begins to contract and the baby ends up being born. It is believed that everything is due to intense hormonal changes, since in fact they have been the hormones, responsible for making the woman's body change in many ways during pregnancy.

The first "symptoms" of childbirth

It may happen that the starting gun is broken by the amniotic sac, better known as "breaking waters" or "one of two, or I am in labor or have pissed on me." While is true that Not all women suffer such a ruptured sacSometimes something as incredible as seeing a baby born with its bag intact.

The next (or first) will begin to notice contractions in the uterus, whose mission is to dilate the cervix (cervix) and go down the baby through the birth canal.

This that is explained so quickly has a much longer duration, because a birth is divided into the phases of latent dilation, active dilation, expulsion and birth and, although there are women who in a few hours go through all the phases, the most common, and especially if the woman is first time, it can last a few more hours, sometimes reaching almost a day of childbirth (sometimes even more).

How is the time of delivery

When everything happens as usual, the first thing you see is the baby's crown, which the woman can observe with the help of a mirror. If Dad is still standing, he can even document the birth with a camera, because they may want to remember that moment forever. The instant of the head exit is the most complex, because it is the widest part of the baby, and a lot of patience is usually recommended because if the woman bids, if she squeezes, she runs the risk of being injured or torn.

Once the head comes out, the body follows with relative ease, at which point the baby leaves to be with the mother again, on her chest, in skin to skin contact. If everything went well and the baby is healthy there is no hurry to do routine baby checkups and you will see that they are no longer sucking their mouths or nose or doing that cheek in the ass face down (luckily it has not been done for a long time), because it is considered that The baby doesn't need to cry anymore: many begin to breathe calmly, silently, without needing to suffer unnecessarily.

There, in the mother's chest, you must remain as long as possible to take advantage of the fact that you are born in a state of alertness, precisely to be able to make your first chest. Babies are able to crawl and move themselves until they reach their goal, turn their heads, and catch themselves. When they do so, when they are the ones who are taken, the chances of breastfeeding being established successfully because they suck well are much greater than if mom and baby are separated or if the baby has mouth probes, pacifiers or a bottle In addition, the fact of not separating them means that the relationship does not break at any time and that both create a stronger emotional bond.

The baby may not be as you expected

The babies that appear in the movies usually have a few weeks of life and a fabulous appearance, so it is possible that when they see the baby, the parents will be a little impressed. They are born with bluish skin, wrinkled by the time they have been floating in the amniotic fluid, with the slightly deformed head (the head takes an oval shape to be able to pass through the birth canal) and relatively skinny, without those carriages so typical of the pink babies we imagine.

To begin to take color, and to take advantage of how awake they are at birth, you have to enjoy the contact, the caresses, smell them, to notice them breathe over and we must, in short, begin to love them.

You will see that it is covered with a creamy substance that is called vernix. In the past, babies were bathed to remove it and to make them well presentable, but now it is getting less and less, because it has been seen that babies keep the temperature better if it is not done and because the vernix ends up being absorbed through the skin and it seems that It has some kind of protective function.

In addition, parents may be surprised by the size of the baby. On the one hand to see how tiny a human being can become and on the other hand for trying to understand how it could be inside mom's belly, how it could fit, with how big it looks in comparison and how could he have gone out with such a head (as we said, deforming the head).

The next hours after birth

Little by little the baby will be taking good skin color, will make his first shot and remain calm on mom's chest, awake for maybe a couple of hours. After that time he will sleep for a few hours in which he will probably pour amniotic fluid through his mouth from time to time. It will have the little hands and feet a little cold, even when it is covered and on mom, although as time goes by and regulates the temperature better this will be solved.

Maybe there is a baby cot next to the bed. The ideal, the recommended, is use it as little as possible, so that mom and baby stay in touch as much as possible. Even if mom needs to go to the sink or if she is going to take a shower, Dad can (better, must) catch the baby to get to know him and to start a relationship that must also be strong so that both can grow together.

Photos | a4gpa, Footloosiety on Flickr In Babies and more | What is a normal birth, What the WHO advises for a normal birth, Normal delivery