Healthy eyes! How to take care of children's eyesight

Although the child does not have any visual problems, we have to worry about the good care of his eyes so that this continues. Taking care of children's eyesight is important, and we can do it following simple practices.

Try to prevent children from spending a lot of time in front of the TV or other screens. When they are watching TV or playing video games, it is good to take breaks for children to set their sights on other sites, at farther points. In this way we avoid visual stress, also when they learn to read for example.

In addition, we take the opportunity to remember that being attached to the screens all day is not good for many other aspects, so you have to alternate different activities. They will appreciate the mind and sight of the children.

It is good for the sun to protect your eyes with glasses, especially if we go for a walk, excursion or go to the beach. But not just any model, because lenses that are not approved could damage the eyes rather than protect them.

They do not need to be branded glasses, but they do give us the guarantee that the glasses and the protection they offer are adequate to avoid damaging the eyes. Protection index 3 (strong) is recommended for children, since it absorbs much of the light with its dark lenses. Plastic frames, more comfortable and economical.

Remember, children's sunglasses prevent eye diseases. And it is that until they reach adolescence the eye has not fully developed and the lens of a child does not protect the retina from the damage of ultraviolet light. This may eventually cause problems such as cataracts, macular degeneration ... It is important to prevent.

A harmful habit to avoid is touching or rubbing the eyes with dirty hands, so we will have to teach children to avoid this gesture and to wash their hands frequently and following the proper technique.

We can also "teach how to look" at our children, playing to see from afar, to look at the horizon, to look at a medium distance and close, so that the eye is accustomed to all distances. It's about the vision accommodation exercises which will help us to make the eye adjust the view at any distance.

Other exercises to strengthen the eyes that we can perform as a game with our children are to rotate them without moving the head, alternately winking, cover one eye and then the other to see if they see any object as well ...

Of course we have to take care that at home there is the necessary light (to draw, watch TV or just eat) and we do not have to force the view or the light comes from a single point very focused. This is especially important when children learn to read, see stories, draw ...

The children also visit the eye doctor

Finally, it is necessary to remember the convenience of making the opportune visits to the ophthalmologist, if we detect any problem or in the routine consultations. Periodic reviews detect and prevent visual problems. The pediatrician in the subsequent revisions must also verify that the child looks good.

Signs that indicate that there may be some problem in the eyes of the children are:

  • He gets too close to television or to draw, write ...
  • Trip frequently.
  • Twist or deflect one eye or both.
  • He has blurred vision.
  • Winks to see better.
  • He rubs his eyes frequently.
  • Red eyes or with continuous tearing, excessive secretions (could be a sign of conjunctivitis or other problems) ...
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Excessive sensitivity to light.

In case we clearly detect any of these visual anomalies it is important to have the advice of the specialist in children's visual health to find the best solution to the disorders.

Following these tips children will take care of their eyesight, hopefully for a long time. It is important that they acquire healthy habits in this regard from an early age. Of course, they are indications that are also good for the elderly, that sometimes we forget to worry about our visual health.

Photos | SMI Eye Tracking and woodleywonderworks on Flickr-CC In Babies and more | Tips for buying children's sunglasses, Symptoms that may indicate visual problems in children, Eye OK, to detect visual impairments in children, Take care of your children's eyes in spring