"Little Miss America 2012": billionaire with 6 years for her beauty

In Babies and more We have spoken on more than one occasion of the beauty contest "Toddlers and Tiaras", which is aired on the US channel TLC and shows the vicissitudes of mothers and girls doing everything to win. In this program participated Isabella Barrett, a six-year-old girl who is already a billionaire.

Isabella was "Little Miss America" ​​last year and her fame has helped her launch her own jewelry firm, Glitzy Girl, and her own line of clothes and makeup. Being the image of these products makes your business have 42 employees and, they say, last year they billed nothing less than one million dollars.

The girl began to become known with four years, when her mother, Susanna Barrett, considered that her daughter had a lot of future in the world of beauty. They enrolled her in a contest and, since that day, has won in more than fifty and for that reason he has earned the nickname of Beautiful, which is what her parents call her.

Isabella is also the visible face of a line of toys from the Toys R Us chain, which makes her even more famous.

If you are wondering if being a millionaire may be affecting the girl in any way, then imagine. She alone was able to ask a meal of $ 2,200 at room service from one of the five star hotels where you stay during the competitions. In addition, it has tailor-made dresses valued at $ 10,000 each and more than 60 pairs of designer shoes.

He also has some custom-made fake teeth (logical, sure he is already dropping the milk ones), hair extensions, false nails and he often does UVA sessions.

Her parents have been criticized for "sexualizing" the girl and for making a business of it. The mother, however, explains that she does not press her, that only It helps you achieve your dreams and that if any day I told him that he wants to leave, he would see it well. The girl says she does not want to leave him, because she loves being a star and her mother, it seems, enjoys it as much as the girl.

Is it helping you fulfill your dreams?

That is what the mother says, which is helping her to fulfill her dreams. And said so it seems that I am helping the girl. I would, however, review my scale of values ​​a lot if I was helping my children to be stars only because of their appearance and if I was causing them to commit absurd and excessive extravagances for the mere fact of having money.

A person should not be rich just for being beautiful, and less a girl. Money should come from work, from doing important things, from being able to do something and achieve excellence with it. The problem is that society is not set up like this, the one who does more important things does not earn more.

Returning to Isabella, I only hope that the day her face ceases to be a claim, the day they stop calling her because she has grown up, she is no longer a child and no longer sells (if that day comes), her family accept that everything has its end and know how to explain that the luxury dinner is over.

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