Celebrate Earth Day with your children

International Mother Earth Day It gives us the opportunity to reaffirm our collective responsibility to promote harmony with nature at a time when our planet is threatened by climate change, unsustainable exploitation of natural resources and other man-made problems. When we create threats to our planet, we not only endanger the only home we have but even our future survival. Let's celebrate this International Day by renewing our promise to honor and respect Mother Earth.

I wanted to start this post with the words of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, dedicated to this Earth's Day 2013. This year it is intended to unveil "the face of climate change", a face that we increasingly know more about and that we must act on now, and looking to the future.

Children are that future, and since childhood they have to introduce these concepts to provide them with adequate environmental education. Starting with small gestures: read stories, water the plants, turn off the tap, plant a tree, take care of the park, recycle ...

Each one of those little gestures will consolidate a environmentally friendly behavior, and our children, the men and women of the future, may have more power than we (or more conviction) to change the course of things, to better care for the Planet.

They have to know that resources are not infinite, that pollution damages the environment, that we have to take care of plants and animals, that the Earth is our life and there is only one, so it is necessary to take care of it. And as happens in so many other aspects, as children are going to learn, the importance of these issues is with our example.

The proclamation of April 22 as International Mother Earth Day It implies the recognition that the Earth and its ecosystems provide us with life and sustenance throughout our existence and that of future generations.

Official Site | United Nations Photo | “Passamanerie” on Flickr-CC In Babies and more | International Earth Day: children will take care of our planet, Web for children on the responsible use of water, Decalogue for children who care for the environment

Video: IT'S EARTH DAY Story For Kids. Earth Day Books for Kids. Children's Books Read Aloud (July 2024).