Parents have little time to play with their children, although they would like to increase it

The Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers wants to encourage play between parents and children to celebrate Father's Day. Under the “Give yourself time to be Pope” initiative, an action has been initiated in social networks with the objective of draw parental attention to the importance of play with children. The question has been raised for this. What kind of toy do you think you are for your child?

This action is based on the belief that parents are one of the best playmates for children. With them, in addition to playing, they learn behaviors and guidelines to follow, they know new rules and limits, they have fun, laugh, and above all they strengthen that emotional bond with one of the most important people in their life. Today parents have little time to play with their children, specifically, and according to a study by the Children's Game Observatory 'Game and Family', conducted in 2012, 70% of parents know that they barely have time to play with children, although they wish they could increase it.

Also according to the same study, 59.9% of children show their preference for play towards family plans and activities that develop in the family environment, even behind the game with other children.

Parents are the ones who spend less time with children, as pointed out since the second edition of the Gameplay: “The 21st century boy / girl spends most of the day with teachers, up to a third of the day, while only He spends 20% of his time with the mother. The time with the parents is even less, 10% and the grandparents, who spend with their grandchildren up to 25% of their day, take center stage

However, we must be clear that 'playing is not wasting time, children must play more to achieve their full development and the father figure is of great importance in this development. '

I have talked about the social media campaign of Give Time to the Game: several profiles of parents have been created that coincide with different categories of toys: adventurous father, stuffed animal, smarty, super father, pilot father, and are part of a contest to the that you can access here.

Video: Top 10 Kids Reactions To Being Adopted (June 2024).