Dads and moms blogs (CLXXI)

This Tuesday, as we do every week, we will go into cyberspace to see what stories we can find in the moms and dads blogs of the network. Here we share new perspectives, reflections, experiences, experiences and advice left to us by other parents.

We start by Tremendous adventure being a mother, where Mami Loon, Claudia, shares her moments and experiences as a rookie mother. These days leaves us a simple toy but with many possibilities for children of one year: the boxes.

Elena is the mother of a girl of almost three years, and writes in her blog Passing Pipa, where he is publishing the crafts he does with and for her and that can serve as inspiration for other parents. We loved the jingle bell to celebrate the day of sound at school.

We continue with From mother to mothers, the blog of a first-time mother where she tells us:

What inspires me ... what moves me ... what makes me smile every day ... That's my daughter Thais, she's the reason why I encourage you to share moments lived together

These days she has told us how she, the mother, is passing tests: little Thais has been going to the nursery for four days and has had a hard time separating.

In Bits of me Magda, mother of "three soletes", tells us about teaching or learning to read: how to encourage our children to read and write without forcing learning and in a playful way. And don't miss other ideas to play with language!

Let's call her hache It is the blog where we find the Adventures and misadventures of a mother in her thirties and novice. Your baby has already started with the fruit porridge and tells us how to make and preserve it so that the fruit does not rust.

Mommy also exists (behind the chubby hair) tells us something that maybe you have already encountered, or that you will soon experience: history repeats itself and now that we are mothers ... how much do we look like our mothers?

The blog for savers In orange They tell us that a child spent 2,000 euros on a game on the iPad and on how to avoid something like this. What a fright!

We end up with Between Moms from Mi Mundo Philips, which reminds us of the importance of breastfeeding for our children, even before the baby is born. Because your child is what you eat, you have to take care of yourself from the beginning.

We hope you enjoyed some of our review moms and dads blogs What is in cyberspace. Do not forget that if you have a blog in which you share stories about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments or on our contact form your address for us to read and comment on.

Video: Chef Mom vs. Chef Dad Challenge. Kids Try. HiHo Kids (July 2024).