Kayode, the white rhinoceros, is the star of the San Diego Zoo (video)

We loved it and we really liked watching TV on Kayode. This is a ten-day-old male rhino that was born on February 25, 2013 in the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. This Zoo allows, as we mentioned some time ago, to see the animals in their space enabled through a webcam. For now Kayode is not available in the cameras of the Safari Park that only show the elephant zone.

We have seen Kayode on television running around his space and very close to his mother to be and feel protected. Kayode means "that brings joy", in the Yoruba language of West Africa. The small rhino weighed about 125 kilograms at birth and, as it says in the video, when it grows it will reach a weight between 1,800 and 2,200 kilograms. The southern white rhinoceros is classified as an almost threatened species due to poaching and illegal use of rhinoceros horns.

It is estimated that there are about 20,000 rhinos in the world divided into five species: the white rhinoceros and the black rhinoceros, which are in Africa and the rhinoceros of Java, the rhinoceros of India and the rhinoceros of Sumatra, which can be found in Asia .

This little one has loved to see him running around on television, discovering his surroundings, leaning on his mother. It is so large but at the same time it looks so fragile that it is normal for children to love it.

In Peques and More | The San Diego Zoo allows you to see your animals live

Video: Rhino birth caught on CCTV at West Midland Safari Park (July 2024).