Going out as a family is the portal for the sale of leisure activities for the whole family to have fun together

Our Daily Savings partners have introduced us to go out as a Family, and we have loved to find this online sales club for family leisure activities: culture, adventure, restaurants, attractions, ...

Apparently, when it was launched in December 2011, it was the first portal aimed exclusively at family audiences. Its objective: May the whole family have fun together! What is a very attractive idea ?, and is that behind the project there are parents who have a lot of experience looking for different activities to enjoy with their children.

The idea is simple: we put the desire and they are in charge of looking for the best offers, so that the family budget does not suffer excessively.

We offer our clients a wide variety of leisure activities at very interesting prices. And always prioritizing quality

The offers are presented through the web, or through the newsletter, indicating the plan and the discount. Those who are members can purchase coupons for the next eight days after publication.

And what will we find as customers? A selection of family leisure proposals with discounts.

Of course, at the moment its scope of action is Barcelona, ​​with a view to expanding the activity in Madrid. And you parents, you know: Holy Week is very close: Going out as a family can help you have a good family plan.

Video: #CareersAndCoffee with Andrew LaCivita. You Are More Valuable Than You Think! (July 2024).