"Day of Children and City: Dream Melilla": for the children friendly cities

On several occasions we have talked to you about the cities that are friendly to children, who are committed to respect the rights of children, a city ​​that is designed for the welfare of the little ones and their families

This week that begins will take place in Melilla some interesting days on the subject, "Childhood and City Day: Dream Melilla", which will have a multitude of experts, including Italian psychopedagogue Francesco Tonucci, a reference in terms of childhood cities.

The program of the First Childhood and City Days will be held from Tuesday, February 19 until Thursday. The event, organized by the Center for Development Cooperation Initiatives (Cicode) and Melilla ConBici, will also feature among its speakers the urban planner José Luis Cañavate or Marta Román, creator of the 'School Road' program.

Is it possible that children are safe in a city? How to favor spaces for children's leisure? Do we do our best in our cities so that children have opportunities to play sports, to be in touch with nature? Are roads to schools safe?

It is true that if we do not claim these issues, cities will arise and grow up being hostile to children, so the "Childhood and City Day: Dream Melilla" I think it's a great opportunity to make visible the importance of children's friendly cities and hopefully it will materialize in new spaces for them.

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