In the first year of the baby, parents lose more than 700 hours of sleep

It's something you should know if you plan to be parents or if you are expecting a baby. Those of you who have a small child know exactly what I mean. You can touch a sleepy little lironcito, but it is normal for the baby to take a lot of sleep from you.

According to a study by ESCI (European Institute for Sleep Quality) In the first year of the baby, parents lose more than 700 hours of sleep. If we translate it, they are almost two hours less sleep every night during the first twelve months of the baby.

The truth is that small babies sleep many hours a day. At birth, they do it between 18 and 20 hours without differentiating the day of the night and that period is shortening as the baby grows. Between 0 and 12 months they wake up several times at night. More than half wake up once or twice, 20% wake up three times, while 13% wake up four or more times. Although there are also some children under one year old who sleep from the pull, they are 15%.

Babies who have nighttime awakenings have no sleep problems. Nor does he who does not wake up. It is not good or bad. It's absolutely normal.

In Babies and more Nine tips for parents who sleep little: if you don't rest, you notice it and your baby notices it

To better understand the baby's dream and why he wakes up so many times during the night causing the parents to wake up, we must understand that the dream is evolutionary process. Your sleep pattern is different from that of an adult. The baby is born with two phases of sleep (REM and deep) while adults have five. As he grows he acquires new phases but like everything else, he must learn to "use them" so it is normal for him to continue waking up and make his dream unstable. Even start waking up more than before or do it when you didn't do it before.

And it is not to discourage you, but although it is true that babies less than one year old are the ones who wake up most times at night and that over time awakenings decrease, it does not mean that you go to sleep that most children under 3 years of age continue to wake up one or more times during the night.

What is the solution? I'm sorry to tell you that there is no magic solution. The dream can not be educated, just put into practice habits that help the child to sleep better and provide a good rest. Bath and massage at night, colecho, falling asleep to the chest or any formula you use to make everyone sleep better is valid.

How are we doing at home? Do you sleep well? Does your baby take many hours of sleep?

In Babies and more Having children reduces quality of sleep for the next six years (and probably more) after the birth of the first child

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