Sterility and infertility, when is there a problem?

When a couple wishes to have a child and the pregnancy takes time to arrive, it is normal for doubts to arise about their ability to conceive. Do not get obsessed with the search for pregnancy, since that is the first barrier in itself, but it is important to recognize when there is an infertility problem.

Sometimes the problem is underestimated, but it is a real suffering for couples who want with all their desires to be parents and do not get it. Therefore, the information in these cases is essential to recognize when help is needed.

What is infertility and what is sterility?

Both terms are often confused, and infertility is usually generically spoken to the inability to conceive, but technically they are very different.

Sterility is the inability of a couple to conceive a child, while infertility is the inability to carry a pregnancy to term. It is considered that there is a problem of sterility when the couple has not achieved pregnancy after at least one year of active sex life.

The International Infertility Information Dissemination Council considers that a couple is infertile if they have not conceived after more than 12 months of having unprotected sex, or after 6 months if the woman is over 35 years old.

From that age on it is twice as difficult to get pregnant. If a woman at 20 has a 25% chance of getting pregnant by having sex on her fertile days, at 30 she has 15%, from 35 years down to 8% and after 38 years, the probability is 3%.

Due to the rapid decline in fertility in women from the age of 35, it is believed that help should be sought to fulfill the desire to be a mother before younger women.

In Spain, infertility affects 15 percent of couples in reproductive age and affects men and women equally. The origin of infertility is female in 40 percent of cases, male in another 40 percent, and for mixed or unexplained causes the remaining 20 percent.

Causes of infertility

Causes of female infertility

Most cases of infertility in women are due to related factors how:

  • Maternal age: the chances of pregnancy are drastically reduced after 35 years.

  • Endometriosis

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  • Uterine malformations or lesions in the fallopian tubes

  • Chronic anovulation (when the ovary does not expel the egg) or ovulatory disorders

  • Diseases such as diabetes, thyroid problems, cancer, obesity, anorexia and depression

Causes of male infertility

  • Low sperm count
  • Low sperm motility
  • Erection and / or abnormal ejaculation
  • Testicular alterations
  • Diseases such as diabetes or thyroid problems
  • Hepatic, hormonal or renal disorders
  • Haematological problems

And when there are children, a new pregnancy is not achieved?

When looking for a little brother they usually have the same expectations as with the first pregnancy, believing that everything will not be the same, but when the second child takes time to arrive it is a cause for great concern.

When a couple has difficulty conceiving after having a normal pregnancy, they talk about secondary infertility.

When and where to ask for help

If after the times considered normal pregnancy is not achieved, or either of them presents risk factors, it is time to go to a medical specialist in reproduction.

The doctor will assess the situation and perform the necessary studies to determine the cause of infertility. Exams usually begin with a blood test, uterine ultrasound and spermogram in men.

Infertility treatments include medication and assisted reproduction techniques such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The emotional impact of knowing the diagnosis of infertility is very strong, and feelings of guilt, depression or problems in the couple may arise, so it is usually recommended to receive in addition psychological treatment.

Video: Male Infertility Expert Answers Common Questions (May 2024).