Those crafts that only dad and mom can like ...

The first crafts of our children They have a special touch. Not those who do with us, of which we are witnesses, but those who give us as a surprise, because they have done them in school or with dad or mom to give it to the other. I say that those first crafts are "special", that It is not always synonymous with "pretty".

Come on, they are not exactly that kind of ornament that would decorate a shop window or buy from a decoration shop or a street market. When we talk about drawings, the matter changes, because anything is good in the fridge, even the first scribbles, which will also soon be covered with new drawings.

But and that adornment report to place on a small table, on a shelf? Luckily, your own room is usually the final destination chosen by the child for its creation.

I mean by luck for the rest of the mortals who can enter the house and take a little "scare" with that strange object at the entrance or presiding over the room. Or for ourselves in the middle of the night discovering it on the little table ... Ah, no, that dad and mom do like us, and you can't think to say otherwise!

Because of course, the child arrives proud with his craft, and does not expect anything else that his parents also feel proud. And we will feel that way too, sure. The dedication of the child to make that our first gift, with their own hands, is priceless.

We just have to maintain some objectivity to try to name that "object" that they have given us, like the one you see in the photo, creating my oldest daughter at age four. Sometimes, it is better to simply keep "ornament" or "gift."

And the rest of the family or friends will be in charge of putting our feet on the floor with some grace referred to that craft so difficult to classify.

But in the foooooooondo, like our children, it also seems to us a beautiful work, and it is clearly the rest of the world that is wrong. We even took pictures of this craft and we want to show it to everyone ...

In Babies and more | Gifts, Schools that do not celebrate Father's Day (or Mother's Day)