Pink elephants and parents who do nothing at home? Videogames against sexism

Why should female elephants be roses, play, learn and dress differently from their male partners? This approach that is extremely familiar to us (although obviously not applied to pachyderms but to people) is the one that presents us these videogames against sexism.

A few days ago we were talking about “In favor of girls”, a European project against sexism, focused on publications for children and on preventing sexist gender roles from being transmitted in these (stories, textbooks…).

On its website we can find some interesting videos that, as a story, teach the little ones that certain differentiations between sexes make no sense. These are two stories in cartoons, "Candy Pink" and "A Happy Catastrophe."

  • "Candy Pink" It's the story of Margarita, a little elephant that doesn't turn pink like the others. It is a sample of how the differences established between girls and boys can be overcome, mutilating for each other, to the unique route that so many books and so many models propose to girls.
  • The story “A happy catastrophe” (published on paper in Spain by Editorial Lumen) aims to open a dialogue with children about the unequal distribution of jobs and the responsibilities of daily life between men and women. Inequality that represents an important obstacle for women's access to professional and political careers.

Anyway, a couple of interesting stories against sexism, so that children do not understand differences and grow up thinking that inequalities are exceptional. Obviously, much remains to be done in this regard, and it is a work of the whole society, but we like these stories especially aimed at kids.

Official Site | Du cote des filles
In Babies and more | Educate boys and girls, Differences between boys and girls: how do times change ?, The stages in the learning of sexual categories, Toy ads convey sexist models

Video: I Tried A Vaginal Alarm Clock (July 2024).