Dads and moms blogs (CXLVII)

One more Tuesday, first of this month of December, it is time to take a trip through the blogosphere to see what we can find in the numerous moms and dads blogs and bring you their stories, tips and curiosities.

Now that the Christmas holidays are approaching and the kids are already thinking about what to ask Santa Claus and the Magi, Vuvu, the author of Mom's drawer, gives us some very good advice to know which toys for children from zero to three years are the most suitable. Do you already know what they are going to bring to your children?

Lowercase, Myriam's blog, tells an experience that is as real as life itself and that is if I read, she reads. In addition, he tells us a very curious theory in which he says that babies should be able to access as many books as they have months. Curious, right?

In Leo and Luca in Neverland a dental balance is carried out one year after they discovered the first of the teeth of little Luca's mouth. And apparently, everything is going in the right direction so that no food is resisted ...

In Cabbage and Little Princess They have received the November nonabox box and therefore they make an analysis of everything inside, to let us know all the parents who visit your blog, how useful it is.

David from And dad too He gives us a small summary of a very special event that he attended very recently and that describes it in a very curious way: from 2.0 to 1.0 going through a dinner. It doesn't leave anyone indifferent, right?

Finally, we visited the Valle blog,With the permission of mother, where we can read about the first month of the little girl. At this time, Valle tells us, little by little they discover how it is and the desire that it has to see how it will be in the coming months.

For today these are the moms and dads blogs that have caught our attention this week, although there are many more and those that remain to be discovered. Do not forget that if you have a blog about maternity or paternity, you can leave the URL in the comments of this post and we promise to visit you.

Video: Chef Mom vs. Chef Dad Challenge. Kids Try. HiHo Kids (July 2024).