I don't say it, the "bright minds" say it: the educational model is finished

One is happy when she realizes that she is not a voice crying in the desert and that they are not only more and more people, but the leading experts, share your opinion. The III Congress of Bright Minds, which has met in Madrid, has pointed out the same thing that I pointed out recently: the education system is a failure and is finished.

The reasons for the failure of the current education system are increasingly clear. It is anachronistic, it kills curiosity and creativity. Let's look at the causes:

First, the student is being evaluated, worse not the teacher or the system, huge failure, in which it is the client who is judged, and not the quality and efficiency of those who offer the service.

The solutions provided are, in theory, clear: use of new technologies, commitment to creativity, valuation of teachers, promotion of learning in the family and above all, seek to prepare for the critical spirit and stop demanding closed answers and absolute truths .

At III Congress of Bright Minds They have pointed out that the teacher must be a mentor, not a transmitter and that we must rely much more on the learners empowering their education and deciding the contents. And another thing, that you have to invest more and more money in education to improve it, not reduce budgets.

I especially liked that they point out that 80% of education and learning are produced at home, something that I think should be taken into account once to offer families who opt for homeschooling greater security and recognition.

But, despite my joy, there is also disappointment. It's great to know that the brightest minds say the same as I say, that this educational system is finished, which is a waste of time and a mistake. If they know what needs to be done, if they know that the evaluation, memory, closed content and vertical learning system must end and it is a failure, what will be done to implement this instead of repeating the same obsolete model?