The XVI Scrabble World Championship is held in Spain

Scrabble It is a game present in millions of homes around the world for more than six decades. It is a simple game that allows people of all ages to participate and in which skills and abilities are put in place to help form words and play with scores to get distance from rivals. It is one of the most popular and followed entertainments worldwide with hundreds of amateur clubs.

In recent years, and thanks to the emergence of new technologies, the popular board game has become a worldwide reference. He Scrabble World Championship will be held in Spain from October 29 to November 4, 2012 and it is the great international party of word game lovers. The previous editions were held in 1997 in Madrid and in 2005 in Alfaz del Pi. Apparently there will be a very close participation with 140 players from 20 different countries including non-Spanish speaking countries such as the US, France, Switzerland or Israel.

We have been informed from the Organization that since the first Championship in 1996, Spain has won 9 world titles with champions from Tarragona (2 titles), Lloret (2 titles), Granada (1 title), Barcelona (2 titles), Jaén (1 title) and Murcia (1 title).

It seems to me that Scrabble can be a good option for kids to be encouraged to form words and practice with letters since they learn to read and write. As they grow and learn math, they can also start playing adding the scores of the letters and competing for points.

At home we have played with the whole family, children, parents and grandparents. The moments of the game are very funny, you learn, it becomes entertaining and the kids learn to respect the turns, to compete, to pick up and they keep thinking their words before putting their word on the board proud. Maybe one day they can be one of those supercamps worldwide in one of these championships organized by Scrabble.

In Peques and More | Scrabble and spelling, The power of words, Everyone to play to form words! Image | Jonathon Colman

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