How will you celebrate Halloween with the kids? the question of the week

Almost unintentionally, the party of Halloween It has been installed on our calendar as another date to celebrate. Children have a great time and parents also enjoy them.

The next 31 October A special night is celebrated. It is a tradition that not all families celebrate, but if so, we would like to know how will you celebrate Halloween with the kids? Tell us what you do that day. Do you make a special menu, do you decorate the house, do you have a party, do you disguise yourself, do children go out to ask for sweets?

Last week's question

Last week, following a very critical post in which we talked about the obvious failure of the Spanish education system, we asked you: What would you change in the school system if you were Minister of Education?

The best rated response was that of hector78, who believes:

As a teacher, I am very clear which is the biggest scourge, of the many that it has, of the educational system: we must end the talking bust. What is the point of having thousands of teachers giving the same speech in thousands of classrooms in today's world? It is a total and absolute loss of valuable pedagogical resources. Instead, we should take the best teacher, record it on video, support interactive tools and provide each student with the best version of each topic, so he can study it at his own pace. Thus, we would free teachers from a tedious and repetitive task and enable them to devote themselves to the really important thing: the students. To solve your doubts. To motivate them. To meet your individual needs. Exams are also something that would eliminate or change completely because of their total lack of meaning and effectiveness. Playing a single card the evaluation of the student's ability is absurd, because he will only study once or twice during the quarter and will be frustrated without remedy in case of a bad result. Instead, a continuous computerized evaluation would be much more effective and attractive, in which the student (and the teacher) knows at all times how much he knows about a subject and what he must do to improve. And if you think that all this is utopian, know that it already exists. And no government has done it, but a man who wanted to teach mathematics to his nephews and for this he created the best educational project of today: Khan Academy.

We remind you that this week's question is now available and should be answered in the Answers section. We invite you to give us your opinion so that other readers can value it and we will pick it up for next week.

Video: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? (July 2024).