The Armstrong Air and Space Museum is in Wapakoneta the city where Neil Armstrong was born

Has died Neil Armstrong, the first human being who stepped on the moon. He is the author of a phrase that has become immortal and that he said when he jumped from the ladder of the lunar module to walk on our satellite: "This is a small step for a man but a great leap for humanity" (that is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind)

In addition to all the literature and reviews that are being made about him and that I recommend reviewing, I have found that in the city where Neil Armstrog, Wapakoneta in Ohio was born, is the Armstrong Air and Space Museum. It is a tribute to space history that is managed by the Ohio Historical Society and which is specifically said to have no relationship with Neil Armstrong nor has he benefited from its management.

The museum is a tribute to the story of Neil Armstrong although it is also true for all Ohioans who have defied gravity, have looked to space and have developed a successful space race. As you can read on its page the image of the building in which it is included The museum looks spectacular at night and maintains a futuristic design, it began to be built in 1970, recreating a lunar base. In the museum you can see interactive exhibits in the central dome such as the 25-minute documentary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing.

In its facilities you can find many artifacts used in the space race and especially the planes in which Armstrong learned to fly. In their biography they explain that Neil learned to fly at 16 years before driving and that he paid for his flight learning studies doing small jobs in Wapakoneta.

Especially attractive are the special programs for children, for example, allows participation in the young astronaut program for students from kindergarten through high school. Rocket, astronomy, astrobiology, engineering and industrial design concepts are learned in the program. In addition, critical thinking and problem solving learning programs are developed using science, technology, engineering and mathematics. And science science fiction is also taught.

The museum has many attractions to be visited especially for the tremendous dedication of its creators and maintainers honoring the achievements of the space race and Armstrong in particular. The good programming and educational programs that it includes ensure that the passion for astronomy and space among the youngest is assured.