Sally Ride, the first female American astronaut, has died

Has died Sally Ride at 61 years old victim of pancreatic cancer. She was the first female astronaut in North America and traveled twice to space in the Challenger shuttle in the missions STS-7 and STS-41G. Sally dedicated herself to space programs and the dissemination of knowledge of space among her students at the University of California where she taught until her death.

In his two space trips he accumulated more than 343 hours in space. His first mission was done with 32 years, the youngest astronaut at NASA, a record that nobody has taken yet. He has died 29 years after his space travel while presiding over Sally Ride Science.

In his biography he indicates that from a young age she was fascinated by science and that he encouraged his parents to keep his passion for her. So he says he grew up, it was the 60s, playing with a game of chemistry and a telescope. He was also dedicated to sports and apparently was good at playing tennis in the city of Los Angeles.

I read that I was very committed to the importance of science education among boys in general and in particular with girls because she indicated that over time the girls abandoned the scientific career more than the boys.

In Microsiervos do, I could not miss @wicho to the appointment, an important mention indicating that founded the company Sally Ride Science, dedicated to creating science materials for students of the last elementary and high school courses, with a particular emphasis on girls.

To finish the exciting memory of Sally Ride I leave the tweet of Buzz Aldrin, the second human being who stepped on the moon, who uses his account to make an excited memory indicating: "So sorry to hear of the loss of my friend and fellow astronaut Sally Ride. You will always be an inspiration for women and space "(a pity the loss of my friend and colleague Sally Ride. You'll always be an inspiration for women and space)

Sally Ride will always be an inspiration to many young Americans and also the world. Rest in peace and among the stars for all eternity.