Know all the benefits of becoming an entrepreneurial mother

The benefits of starting an online business for moms They are many. The most important, surely you already have it in mind, is the possibility of reconciling family and work life better, being the ones who choose the schedule and can also take care of our young children directly.

We will tell you in detail what are the benefits and advantages of becoming an entrepreneurial mother.

The system with which the labor world is organized seems to be designed for people who do not have children. Missing a few days because the child is bad or needs to make an adaptation to school, take the child to a medical check-up, be available on vacation, take care of a baby without having to leave it in charge of third parties or simply have a schedule compatible with spending more time with children seems impossible.

Especially in Spain, working hours are very long and few really bet on a real reconciliation model that suits the needs of families. Working from home and being your own boss makes reconciliation much easier. And that is the main benefit of becoming an online entrepreneur mom.

Benefits of an online venture for moms

When a mom who runs her online business will have a great benefit: additional free time, flexible hours, ability to work from virtually anywhere and being able to be at home attending to your children without necessarily having to delegate to third parties for their care.

In addition, when setting up your own business you are your own boss and you will be able to choose with whom you collaborate and in whom you delegate part of your tasks if necessary. You will also be able to design a company adapted to your personality and your tastes. And above all, you can choose to work on what you like, which will surely be what you do best.

The key to an online venture

A common advice given to those who consider an online business is to seriously reflect on what they love to do, the services they charge and what each one does well. Finding the balance between these three facets is The key to success.

Examples of entrepreneurial moms in Babies and more

In Babies and more we have also offered examples of entrepreneurial moms like Kisikosas, a page specializing in family photography, the stories of Telmo and Pepa, or the page of the psychologist Mónica Álvarez dedicated to the perinatal duel.

As I said in the previous topic it can be very useful to get in touch with other women who have already taken this path, such as those you can find in Educarpetas, a community of multitasking mothers.

I recommend you look for information about other moms who have started their online businesses, even contact them, because seeing how they enjoy the benefits of this work modality, you will feel much more motivated to continue this way of working from home.

But above all my advice is to reflect on our dreams and trust ourselves. If you want set up your online business and work from home rest assured that you can also get it. I will tell you some more things in the next article on this topic and I recommend you not to lose yourself the interview that we will publish this week to coach Azucena Caballero, expert in advising mothers who want to become entrepreneurs.

Video: What They Dont Tell You About Entrepreneurship (July 2024).