In times of crisis the state should invest more in breastfeeding

In times of crisis the State should invest in breastfeeding, in its protection and promotion, and more precisely now that we live in a very difficult situation for many families and that it is also, making the expenses in Public Health and Health want to decrease.

The reasons for pointing out the importance of investing in breastfeeding are, and I want to influence now, also economic.

Among the reasons for opting for breastfeeding is the one that involves savings for families, the State and businesses.

Breastfeeding saves families a lot of money

The breastfeeding saves families a lot of money. And it is that it is simply free and families save a lot of money by not needing to buy bottles or artificial milk, or other accessories that become unnecessary.

These last two years I have been reading news about which welfare institutions have come to give artificial milk to mothers who do not have to buy it.

The truth is that, I still think, that when there is a real medical problem that prevents breastfeeding, artificial milk should be paid by Public Health, as I have explained on occasion. If a woman cannot, cannot really feed a baby, the solution of this medical problem should be guaranteed.

But in the vast majority of cases, those mothers with support and information could have breastfed their children, and would not have to buy artificial milk or request it from welfare organizations.

They could simply have had all the feeding of their babies until six months completely free, in their bodies. and then, if they breastfeed until they are two years old, they do not need to offer them other dairy products or in much less quantity.

For families who, without reaching the desperate situation that I report, have economic difficulties or simply value the good management of their resources, being able to freely choose breastfeeding would also save them a lot. At least 600 euros will be saved per year according to 2009 calculations (now surely more).

But, of course, to opt for breastfeeding freely all these families need well-trained and committed professionals, health and social support, information and help.

Without it, many will have to use artificial breastfeeding without wishing to, simply because their breastfeeding does not work well and nobody has helped them or nobody told them how important it was to fight for them.

Breastfeeding has economic advantages for companies

The economic advantages of breastfeeding They do not only affect families, but also businesses. It is known that breastfed babies have lower rates of many childhood diseases (otitis, bronchiolitis, gastroenteritis, leukemia, diabetes), that their hospital stays are shorter. Even lives would be saved, because, for example, in the United States it is estimated that 1000 children would not die if they had been breastfed.

For companies this is a great advantage, because their workers will need less days of leave for the care of their children and also, they will be calmer in their work place if their children have not stayed at home badly to the care of a third party or They have taken to daycare or school for not having more options.

Breastfeeding has economic advantages for the State

The Public Health System, and, consequently, the State also benefits from economic advantages of breastfeeding. The lowest rates of illness of breastfed children have been recorded in numerous scientific studies, since their expenses in medical care, medicines and hospital admissions are lower.

Long-term benefits for the State

Finally, in the long term, the economic savings for the State It is also notable, as breastfeeding is known to have a protective effect against breast cancer in women and against obesity, diabetes and coronary diseases in the adult life of children who were breastfed.

Adults who were breastfed will be less likely to stop working for medical reasons, staying productive and not receiving, therefore pensions, and their health expenses will also be reduced.

Breastfeeding, the best investment and more in times of crisis

In the Breastfeeding Week of 1998 the chosen motto was “Breastfeeding, the best investment” and the governments of the world were urged to raise public awareness of the economic value of breastfeeding, to analyze the expense of artificial breastfeeding and to create programs to support breastfeeding in public health budgets with specific headings.

The fact is that, although some things have improved, much remains to be done in and I believe that economic reasons need to be remembered for that the State invest more in breastfeeding in times of crisis and savings.

Video: The Consensus Model for APRN Regulation - Full-Length Version (May 2024).